𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 - 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞

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It was almost curfew time as the newly graduated members of the Survey Corp was finishing up their somewhat called dinner. Of course it wasn't much since the walls are always low on food. I was sitting at the table i usually do with my friends from the trainee division. Eren, occasionally armin and mikasa, along with connie and sasha. They were pretty cool people. I mean, Eren is usually in a fight with Jean. In my opinion if eren got to know jean he might not act like a prick. But Jean sits with this friend Marco and only marco. Moments after my friends went to go get ready for curfew, none other than Jean came at sat at the table I was sitting at. I looked up at him with a little bit of surprise since we've only talked once or twice. But hey he's cute. "Hey s uh, y/n.. Marco bailed on me for plans tonight so I was wondering if you wanted to go on a little adventure with me.." He managed to say. Who knew the ladies man could be also act like a shy little boy. But besides that, its almost curfew, what the heck is he thinking? "I would say yes, but Jean isn't it almost curfew..? who knows what captain Levi would do if we snuck out.. and another question why me?  Not to be blunt but we barley talk." I replied, trying not to sound in an mean tone. He looked around for a moment. "I wanted to go see something outside.. It happens rarely often and like I said Marco bailed, and uh you look nice and all." Jean addressed, with a sheepish smile, still trying to put on the 'bad boy' front. Still, I wondered what it could be. I decided to check my watch and there it was only two minutes before curfew. I sighed. "Fine, but we best hurry." I said, standing up from my spot at the table, Jean doing so as well. 

Before I knew it Jean softly grabbed my writs' and quietly led me outside to the middle of a field. "I swear there better not be any titans around this late at night." My internal monologue worried. Jean was looking up at the sky full of stars, then checked his watch. "Almost time." He announced as he was laying down onto the grass, his arms behind his head. I decided to lay down beside him as well. A few seconds passed when I spoke up. "Time for what?" I said only to resulting in Jean shushing me and pointing up to the sky. I saw a bright smile plaster onto his face. Then I looked up to see the stars... but the stars we're moving?? "What's this called?" I asked very eager to find out what this phenomenon is. "I once read about this in an astrology book. They're called shooting stars and only happen once and again. I've always been interested in those sorts of stuff, call me a nerd if you want." He laughed slightly, keeping his eyes glued onto the sky. "...fascinating yet surprising." I replied. "How so?" he asked. I chuckled lightly. "Well when you're around Jaeger and Mikasa you put up a bad boy jock persona. Of course I looked past that when interacting with you though. You're a pretty cool guy." I said kind of rambling. He nodded. "I act that way because I don't want to be seen as some nerd. I don't know why I'm even telling you this, ya know." Jean said in a softer tone. "Maybe because I understand you and think your interests are cool." I knew in my heart I'm never like this around anyone, not even someone as nice as armin. Oh no, am I going soft of Jean? The thoughts got pushed back as Jean looked at me. His amber eyes we're glistening as the shooting stars were still passing through. Its as if he was never treated for who he truly is. So I really do have a soft spot for hm. He began to laugh gently. "You really just figured me all out, huh. Well you're defiantly right. I think you're the first person to see me not as the Asshole Jock kid." He smiled at me. 

A few moments flew by. "...You see I might have a soft spot for you now.." And what do you know. We said the same words at the same time. How cliché. 

However that didn't stop us from exchanging surprised and maybe even blushing stares. It was like a scene from a movie. "I- uh.." I spoke, then awkwardly checking my watch, realizing it almost an hour past curfew. "hey Jean, We might have to call a rain check.." I said while holding up my arm and pointing at my watch. "Oh right! Shit, sorry I kept you out so long." He frantically spoke, then to stand up and hold out his hand gesturing for me to get up as well. I took and hand and stood up, brushing off my clothes. It had gotten darker then  when we originally came out. There was an awkward silence that filed the air. Jean finally spoke up. "You see what I said earlier.. I know I don't know you all that well but I think I like you, y/n." He said, keeping his eye sigh at the ground ahead of us. "So do I, Jean. I don't know you that well either but over the past our you seem like a great guy, actually." He blushed at my following words, looking at me as we walked back at a slower pace. "That's nice to hear.. I'll start acting more like myself more often.. even around Jaeger." Jean said with a smile, which also made me smile. "That's a promise, then. But i hope we make it till tomorrow who knows what captain Levi would do if he found out we snuck out." Jean laughed a bit in response. Suddenly he grabbed my hand, holding it in his. "We'll just have to do a little tip-toeing around then, huh?" He said with the cutest facial expression, making me slightly blush. I nod in response. 

After maybe five minutes passing we made it to the back doors of the Survey Corp building. We tried to make every movement to quietest we could have. Knowing captain Levi, he is more than likely awake at this hour. A few minutes of carefully walking to my dorm room, we finally made it. "Haha, we survived y/n. Anyways uh goodnight and thank a lot for going out with me." Jean spoke softly. I chuckled and let go of his hand, to open the door to my room, still looking up at the taller male. "Oh so it was a date?" I smiled. "I enjoyed myself too, Jean. I suggest you get back to your dorm before you get caught." He looked back at the empty hallway to make sure nobody was awake, he really didn't to get cleaning duty as punishment for cleaning. A few seconds later Jean kissed your forehead gently. "See you tomorrow, 'kay?" He said beginning to make his way back. I waved back in response, smiling from the sudden kiss on the forehead. I shut my door and leaned against it. What a nerd, I thought. My nerd. I followed as I crawled into bed. 

The next morning I came to find out Jean had tripped over a broken piece of wood in the flooring and was caught by Levi. He didn't rat me out, though. But since my soft spot and growing liking towards jean felt bad, I confessed up and helped him do cleaning duty for a whole month. But it was worth it, because over that month we confirmed ourselves as dating. Eren being jealous was quite funny. But Jean kept his promise. His promise to be himself.


hey guys! my attack on titan brain rot decided to make a aot book! read the description if you want to know further questions about it. 
Requests are open!!

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