𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐬 - 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫

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Today would mark your 6 month anniversary with your secret lover, Sasha. Take a minute to emphasize the secret part of that. Being that Connie is your brother, you and Sasha both agreed it would be better to hide it from him. As your brother and Sasha both are now in the survey corps, you don't see them much. You we're just a newly started medic for the survey corps so you didn't go on many expeditions with them. And commander Erwin made sure to have plenty of expeditions. Lonesome was your common emotion when they we're off. But luckily for you, Sasha wrote you letters daily. You have no clue in your mind to how she got them delivered but she did and you adored it. Some were about how things are going,asking about you, and some just your typical secret love letter. Connie nor you have ever been the best academically, and you'd expect Sasha not to be the serious type but when it came to you, she knew how to get serious. That's one of the many things you love about her. Her fun personality, yet loving and serious one.

Several days have passed since your last letter from Sasha. Constant worry flooded your mind space. But you had to continue your job. Wounded soldiers came in left and right but that was a daily thing. It's just the amounts of paperwork the regiments gave you. Wether it was a garrison soldier, or a member or the military police who put off another wounded soldier, there was always paperwork. As the sun was rising up, you had to meet with another garrison leader and get another soldier carried in. Walking outside to meet the leader, you noticed familiar faces riding in on horses. Out of impulse your dropped the clip board and ran over to them. It was a horrible sight to see. Blood, wounds, cuts. Erwin rode over to you quickly, which was unexpected.

"Y/n, I need these soldiers fixed up asap." He spoke, continuing to ride over to the horse stables. You apologized to the garrison leader and he was off on his way back. Soon to find out, All of the other medics on the expedition have died. Since you could not disobey direct orders you couldn't check on your brother or lover. More worry entered your thoughts. Running back to your office you set supplies up and multiple beds. You had no memory of how your own dorm looked but you hoped none of the letters were out in the open for Connie to find them. 'Shut up, y/n. You might foreshadow yourself' You thought to yourself as some patients came in. Some being familiar faces, some you've never seen before. Almost a hour went by and your office was almost empty until Connie and Sasha entered.

You immediately stoped what your were doing, and ran over to them, hugging them at the same time. "Are you guys okay? You're not hurt are you?" You spoke, letting go of the two. They both looked fine. "Nope. I'm all good. Just wanted to let you know." Your brother said with a smile. "Only some bruises but that can be fixed with some food!" Sasha said in her usual bright smile. You couldn't help but you let out a soft laugh and smile. Little did you know Connie has always been suspicious of your behavior towards his best friend, but never questioned it. "Hey, you should come eat dinner with us! You need a break." Sasha suggested. "If anything I should work more. I am the only medic left." You replied with a unsettling smile. Sasha grabbed your hand and led connie and you out of the office. "Come on!! You deserve it, y/n." Her thoughtfulness gave you a light blush on your cheek. "Fine." You surrendered your argument.

Dinner slowly came to an end and people began to leave the cafeteria. "I'll let you guys catch up. I for one is gonna go sleep." Connie said, standing up and stretching his arms. "Of course. Go get some rest little brother." You said taking a sip of your drink. "Hey! I was born two minutes after you. Just two minutes!" He yelled running off to your shared room with him. Of course you didn't choose to be roommates with your own annoying brother, but it is what it is. You and Sasha laughed, then sitting in a comfortable silence. "I hope the expedition didn't hurt you all too bad." You said looking over to the girl. "Nothing we haven't seen before. I was just sooo hungry! But I'm sorry for not sending a lot of letters like I usually do, In the last few days titans became very.. persistent." Sasha explained with a sigh. You reached over to her and gave her a touch-starved filled hug, you both smiling deeply. "We should probably head back to the dorms. Don't want to get caught passed curfew by Captain levi." You suggested, standing up. Sasha linked her hand into yours and walked you back to your room. "I'll see you tomorrow." She said with a smile, giving you a kiss on your cheek. "Yup. Tomorrow." You replied, walking into your dorm.

Only to find your roommate, your brother, standing at your desk with his arms crossed. And what do you know. He was holding a letter from Sasha. "So, care to explain??" You sighed and walked over to him, grabbing the letter and putting it into one of the drawers. "Look Connie i-" As you tried to speak he interrupted you. "No no, y/n. You and my bestfriend have secretly been dating for 6 months?? Geez! You should have told me." He exclaimed. "Connie don't be mad. We didn't want to tell you because we didn't know how you would react. Honest! At least i'm not messing around with Jaeger like Armin is." You carefully explained. "Hey i'm not mad. Just confused. And you can't change the subject that easily! I just didn't expect this- well no i did. I've noticed you guy's attitudes around each other. It was obvious! Don't be surprised if I tell the others." Connie teased. You rolled your eyes and sat on your bed. "I'm just glad you're not mad. And yeah right you don't tell secrets like that." You spoke with a laugh following. "We'll see. Goodnight." He replied. "Night."

Soon nightfall disappeared and the sun was rising once again. You looked over to see if you brother had slept in like usual, but must be in the cafeteria. Putting on some socks, you made your way to the cafeteria. As soon as you entered, faces were plastered to you. 'Why are people staring at me??' You thought. Then looking to your brothers table where he, sasha, reiner, bertolt and jean sat. Connie had a mischievous smirk. 'Dammit.' Your thoughts finally made a conclusion of the situation. Sitting down at your usual spot at the table, by Sasha, Jean began to speak. "So, y/n, got you a girlfriend huh?" Your face became a bright red and choked on your drink. "Uh- I-" Connie once again interrupted you. "Don't worry! I told them. Like I said I would." He spoke with a prideful smile. Sasha wrapped her arm around you. "Haha! It's good everyone knows! Let them judge if they want they're just jealous!!" She exclaimed with her bright smile. "Yeah, let them." You agreed with a smile.

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