Ch. 6: The Log

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Dinner was... a lot livelier this time. The girls and I actually talked and laughed over our meal and it almost felt like we had no serious problem on our hands. We didn't even realize how long we were taking chatting and having dinner at the same time, until Hayoung checks the time and announces that it's already 9:00! We quickly finished eating after she had said that, and shortly after, I started washing dishes, as is my punishment for losing in Jenga, while the girls did their night routines before going to bed.

After washing the dishes, I head back to Eunwoo's room, and suddenly find myself looking towards the desk once I've turned on the lights. My eyes widen when I see the journal I had been looking for this morning, and after silently closing the door behind me, I slowly walk towards it.

Sure enough, there it is. My name as a DJ. "MJ".

I place my hand on the edge of the cover, feeling the material used to make it, before flipping the book cover open. Suddenly, as if it had a life of its own, the pages start flipping themselves. My eyes widen, and I watch in bewilderment as this happens. There’s no wind in the room as all the windows are closed, and the room has no fan or anything that could cause the pages to flip themselves like that.

I continue watching until the pages stop and the journal goes back to being as still as when I first saw it. I look at the page, then at the date written above it.

"October 14, 2018". That's today!

I look at the log written right below it and feel my eyes widen once again as I read it.

Dear Journal,
Today had been... surprisingly well. It's not that I actually felt better or that I had felt no attacks today as I had one just this morning, but... Okay, maybe I did feel better. I don't know what came over me today, but I had decided to actually come out of my room for the first time ever since that incident. Not only that, I even proposed to play a game with the girls! Of course, I'm still sad that I had to leave Y/N and that I'm about to die, but something told me... I have to do something. Something told me that the girls need me and I have to stay strong. For them. I don't know what or who that something was, but I just wanna say I'm thankful. I want to thank that something for helping me feel better and for helping me make the girls feel better. I think I wanna keep doing that until my last moments.

That's all for now,

My eyes are still wide as I finish reading the log, but as I look back at the last sentence, a smile slowly starts forming on my face. I had done something. I had changed something in the past. I had somehow made things a lot better. That "something" Eunwoo wrote in his log, it couldn't have been anything but me. I can't help but feel proud of what I've accomplished.

But there's one more thing that keeps nagging at me, and my smile fades as I place my finger on the edge of the pages and start flipping back to the first logs, looking for one specific log that could help satisfy my curiosity. Finally, I find it. The first sentence caught my eye almost immediately and I stop flipping the pages.

October 8, 2018

Dear Journal,
I broke up with Y/N, today. It must be unfortunate for you to have your first log be this sad, and I apologize for that. It hurts a lot actually. The pain I feel when I have attacks is nothing compared to this. And yet, they're still the reason why I had to leave her. I love her so much! I want to stay with her, but knowing that I don't really have that much time left... I guess there's really no choice now, is there? And I left without telling her a reason why. I wish I had at least said something! But I couldn't tell her that I was dying, nor could I bring myself to lie to her. I don't want her to hurt too much. I don't want her to keep holding onto something that isn't even going to last. I love her! Yet, I failed to give her the love she deserves. Y/N, I'm so sorr

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