Ch. 20: Found You

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The sound of beeping car horns fill the air once again as Hayoung tries to get us through Seoul and find Y/N as quickly as possible.

I didn't even know she could drive!

Giving directions to where I think she could have lived at this time, Hayoung just nods and turns the wheel along with my directions while I sit at the passenger seat beside her and Haeran sits in the back, both of us stuck to our seats because of the speed she's driving in.

Finally, we arrive at the place, but something feels... off.

The moment I look outside the window, I can tell that something just doesn't feel right. And then it occurs to me.

This house is Y/N's house, but...

"She's not here."

"What? Where is she, then?" Hayoung asks beside me, and I slowly pull my head back in before turning my head towards her with a serious expression.

"The park... where we first met at and where she and Eunwoo broke up," I tell Hayoung. "I'm guessing she must have gone there everyday ever since the breakup."

A look of surprise forms on Hayoung's face before she looks down, the look on her face becoming solemn. "Every... day?"

"Then let's go there then," Haeran suddenly inserts from the back, causing Hayoung to look up.

"Yes, of course! Let's go!" she says before she starts the car again and starts driving at the same speed as a while ago.

And, once again, I'm stuck to my seat as I'm too scared of being propelled forward and possibly dying before the set time again. "H-Hayoung, y-you can slow down, you know-"

"Do you wanna fix everything or not?" she then asks me without even giving me a glance and I gulp.

"Of course, I do, but... I'd rather do it alive?"

"Oh, trust me. The sooner we find her, the higher the chance you'll be able to fix everything while you're still alive," she tells me as she does a sharp turn at a corner and I quickly grab the handle at my side while shouting in a panic.

Then, something happened.

Hayoung gasps, and her eyes widen before she points at what she was looking at. "There she is!"

My eyes widen, and I quickly turn to what Hayoung was pointing at to see noone else but Y/N walking in the direction of the park.

"Go!" Hayoung then tells me, and I nod and quickly get out of the car, soon running after Y/N.

"Go get her, oppa!" Haeran shouts and I nod before running after Y/N, calling her.

"Y/N! Y/N, wait! Y/N!" I call out to her, but she doesn't seem to hear me.


"Y/N!" I shout again as I start to cross a street to get to her when, suddenly, I hear a loud beeping and my eyes widen right before I turn to the source to see a truck coming right my way.

What- Wait! No!

My feet suddenly freeze, and I hold my arms over my face as the truck gets closer when, suddenly, someone grabs my collar and pulls me back.

I shout, and I land on the concrete on the sidewalk while the truck just passes by. My eyes widen at what just happened, and I remove my arms from my face to look at who had saved me only for my eyes to widen.

There, right infront of me, stands the me from two years ago. And he points in the direction I was heading. "You were going after someone, right? Hurry! Before they leave!"

Time May Pass (Astro MJ X Reader X Eunwoo) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now