Ch. 11: Before His Time

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"Eunwoo, stay with us, please! Please!"

"Sir, please stay awake as long as you can. Don't fall asleep. This is absolutely necessary."

"Oppa! Oppa, please be okay!"

"Ma'am, please wait here. We'll be bringing him to the emergency room now."

"Let's hurry! He's becoming unconscious!"

How... did it come to this? I was going to protect myself. I was going to keep Eunwoo alive until his time comes. I'm still alive as him, but... why do I already feel like I'm dying?

"Prepare the oxygen."

My gaze travels around the room I'm in as they strap a mask over my mouth.

I'm really in an emergency room right now. So I'm still alive. Is it okay for me to sleep now?

Suddenly, I hear the beeping of a heart monitor and my gaze travels to that one.

Huh. I guess it's okay, then. As long as it keeps beeping...

I'll be fine...


I'm alive.

I'm awake, and I try to open my eyes but I can't feel them moving at all. I try to move my arms, but they can't move either. I then realize that I still have an oxygen mask on. Finally, I can open my eyes slowly and I find out where I am. I'm not in the emergency room anymore. Instead, I'm in a hospital ward.

"Yes, ma'am. He's in a stable condition for now, but we'll have to keep a close eye on him depending on the condition he has."

I suddenly see a doctor coming in along with the girls. Hayoung is nodding in response to what the doctor is saying while Haeran beside her is keeping her head down, a slight frown on her face. Remembering what she had told Hayoung after the mirror incident, I start to feel guilty again. I couldn't keep myself safe for her again.

"But, Doctor, will his heart condition actually have an effect on his current condition?" Hayoung asks the doctor, worry showing clearly in her voice. Meanwhile, Haeran quietly walks to the seat beside my bed and sits down, looking at me while looking like she's about to cry. She's just trying really hard not to.

"I'm afraid it would be more like his injury having an effect on his heart disease." I look back at the doctor to see her wearing a grave look on her face while talking to Hayoung. "Almost all parts of his body are paralyzed right now which means he won't be able to do anything when he has another heart attack. In fact, he had one while we were operating on him, but thankfully, we were able to save him."

I feel shocked when I hear those words.

I'm... paralyzed? No wonder I can't move! Wait, but what am I supposed to do when I have another attack then? What am I supposed to do if I can't move?

"Just keep an eye on him and call the nurses if he starts having convulsions. That's one of the clear signs he's having an attack."

"Yes. Thank you, Doctor."

And with that, the doctor leaves and Hayoung turns to me. Her eyes look wet. She then turns to Haeran and I look towards the girl as well to see her gripping the edges of her coat tightly. I feel guilty as I look at her bowing her head low. She must be really angry at me right now. She must really want to beat me up right now and even if I could move, I would still let her do it. I become surprised when I suddenly hear a sniffle, and I realize it's from Haeran.

Suddenly, Haeran raises her head and looks at me with her eyes filled with tears. But they don't seem angry. She suddenly starts sobbing as she lowers her head again. I feel something on my hand closest to her and I look down to see her hands pick mine up and hold it tight. "I'm so sorry, oppa... I'm so sorry..."

Time May Pass (Astro MJ X Reader X Eunwoo) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now