Ch. 12: Regret

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2 years ago
December 15, 2018

"Why are you still here? You know there's really nothing you can help me with."

The man smiles genuinely before answering the question of the woman who had given him an offending look. "Of course, there's something I can help you with."

A sad look forms in the woman's eyes as she fully turns to the man, her voice sounding desperate. "There's nothing, and I mean nothing, you can help me with. Stop chasing after me because you'll only end up getting yourself hurt."

"And why is that?" the man asks, his expression softening as he looks at the woman who looks away from his as she answers.

"Because I'm still hurting over him. And I will be hurting over him for a long time because I know I'll never be able to really move on." She then looks at the man with eyes telling the truth. "Even if I did agree to be your girlfriend, I'll never be able to truly love you as half of my heart, no, most of my heart would still be aching."

The man smiles softly as he approaches the woman and gently cups her cheeks in her hands. "Y/N... you know you need this, too. You can't expect yourself to heal over time if you don't have someone that'll help you. You know you need to move on?" He lifts the woman's face a little so he could look her in the eyes. "So let me help you, okay, Y/N?"

The woman looks at him with slightly widened eyes. She's surprised by his persistence. She can't even believe that he would still try to chase after her after what she's told him. Help her heal and move on? Would he even be able to handle seeing her hurting over her past love while they're dating? Wouldn't he feel jealous. The woman furrows her brows as she looks at the man still cupping her cheeks. "Are you that desperate to have a girlfriend that you're insisting to be with me even though I'm still obviously in love with my ex?"

The man laughs lightly, his eyes closing in the process. When he opens his eyes, he looks at the woman with a smile on his face. "No. I'm just really that desperate to have you as my girlfriend."

The woman's eyes widen as her cheeks slowly turn red and the man notices it. He smiles, already knowing how she would respond to his question.


Myungjun's POV

I slowly open my eyes only to find out I'm in a hospital. My eyes quickly open fully and I quickly sit up as I look at my hands and arms.

I'm... still myself... So I'm alive?

I look around me, looking for the couple that had helped me, and apparently, taken ownership of Y/N's house after her death. I suddenly feel grief and regret take over me as I remember that, and I hold my head between my hands again as I lower my head and tears start forming in my eyes.

I close my eyes tightly as my grasp on my hair tightens and I start crying silently. Grief, regret, and sadness is ripping me apart as a tear slips from my eyes, soon followed by another and another, until I can no longer hold my emotions back and I start sobbing uncontrollably.

Why? Just why do I keep failing? Why did Y/N have to go through all of those things? Why couldn't I be there for her when she needed me most? Why...

I place my hands over my head as I pull my head lower, guilt swallowing me alive.

Why couldn't I have just met her sooner so she wouldn't have to suffer so much anymore?

I'm pulled out of my thought when the curtains surrounding me are pulled back and I look up to see the same man that had helped me earlier. A pitiful look almost instantly forms in his eyes when he sees the state I'm in.

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