Ch. 4: The Journal

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Myungjun's POV
October 9, 2020; 7:00 p.m.

I arrive just in time infront of Y/N's house and her gate opens just as I stop infront of it. Our eyes meet, and we both smile at each other as I step back to give her some space to step out.

"So... where are we going?" she asks me in her soft, gentle voice.

I smile gently at her as I hold my hand out to her. "Somewhere peaceful."


The wind is cool, and the weather is perfect as we take a stroll on the path right next to the river. The stars are shining brightly today, too, and, though the moon isn't full tonight, it still shone brightly, lighting up our way along with the lampposts lining up the path.

I'm holding Y/N's hand as we walk, and I look towards her to see a calm smile on her face as she looks ahead. A smile forms on my face, knowing that she finally feels okay now.

She then starts humming an all too familiar song. It's the song I keep singing when we're at work. She had told me she loves the song when I first sang it, so when the program coordinators allow me, I sing it for her as a part of the program I'm a part of at the radio station.

My eyes widen when I recognize the song and I turn to her. She glances towards me, then smiles before continuing to hum as she looks ahead of us. I chuckle as I look ahead and start singing along with her humming. I notice her turn to me through my peripheral vision before she looks ahead again.

If only everyday could be like this. It would just be the two of us, lost in each other, humming and singing to each other as if it were just the two of us around. She's happy. And I want her to be happy. I don't ever want to see her hurting again.

We both reach the end of the song and I fully turn to Y/N as we both stop walking. She fully turns to me as well and I smile before placing my hand behind her head and gently pulling her towards me to place a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you so much," I tell her as I rest my head on hers after pulling her in for a hug. "You're the most precious person to me and I can never bare to lose you. Don't forget that, okay?"

She doesn't respond for a while, but she places her arms around my waist, hugging me back. "Thank you," she whispers after a while and I smile as I tighten my embrace around her.

"I love you," I tell her again.

She chuckles before speaking once again. "I love you, too."


After our little stroll, Y/N and I had dinner at a café after which we headed home. It was already around 9:50 when we arrived at our neighborhood, and after talking for a while, I head towards my own home.

I check my watch just as I close the front door behind me.

"9:59". It's that late already?

I place my hand over my mouth as I yawn and I suddenly start to feel really sleepy... which is funny since I didn't really feel tired at all a while ago. Must be because I was with Y/N.

I suddenly stagger as I continue walking and I quickly hold unto a nearby table to steady myself.

What is wrong with me? Why am I suddenly feeling so tired? I've never felt so out of energy before...

My eyes are threatening to close and I find it hard to keep them open. Heck, it's even becoming hard for me to move at all.

I feel so sleepy... It's like I can actually already sleep he-

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