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We are here for four days now,At first its a little awkward in the morning i will wake up not seeing him, the airbed fixed or when were eating we talk less just eat but when i ask him one time about music he became a little bit comfortable since then we hang out and share some thoughts about music.

So now here we are now in the kitchen.

"Is this right?why is the rice sticking out?"Namjoon oppa ask while frowning.

"Yes thats right and you need to make sure that the amount of rice your putting is just enough so that it wont stick out."i say while leaning on the counter im just looking at him instructing he needs to do it himself so he can learn. Im just assisting him if its too much for him.

"I cant do this, i will just mess it up much more".he says while putting the roll down.

I sigh then walk over beside him while saying." You cant learn if you keep thinking you will mess it up,just do it without thinking about the mess we can just clean it later".

He look at me then look at the roll.

"Ok but if its not good don't complain about it ok?".he says while undoing the roll and doing it again.

After awhile of him wanting to quit and me encouraging, here we are at the living room eating the kimbap Namjoon oppa make.

Its not good but its not bad either.

"The look on your face says its not good".Namjoon oppa say while drinking

I swallow before answering him,"To tell you the truth the rice is a little bit raw but overall the taste is good just the rice,your good considering its your first time making kimbap".

"You're just making me feel good".he sigh

"No why would i do that? If its true".i say

We become silent all you can hear is our munching. I'm drinking when he ask me.

"Should we go out tomorrow to buy some souvenirs? Jin hyung is pestering me saying he would really appreciate if he can get something, he send me like 10 messages everyday".He says while mimicking his member

We laugh then i reply."Yea we should head out tomorrow."

We finish eating,and clean everything,Namjoon oppa said he will be in the studio for awhile cooking up some lyrics from their upcoming song,And i head towards the room and change i decided to swim a little since its not that cold, and the water in the pool is warm.

I put on my robe and head downstair.I didn't disturb Namjoon oppa since he's now focus on music, its one thing i notice about him once he start working on music he's really focus, and he always make sure to ask his members what do they think about the verses.

I shake my head while opening the glass door that leads towards the pool,i remember yesterday when he called Jin oppa to ask about the verse and Jin oppa scold him saying its their break and give him a break.

I take my robe off and put it on top of the chair and head towards the pool,I'm wearing a white one piece suit,i dip my feet to make sure the water is warm after i felt the water is warm i dive down.


I sigh and put my phone down on the table, i called Hobi but all i get from calling him is that its their vacation and bang pd said we can enjoy our vacation without thinking about work.

'Well working music is my enjoyment'i say to myself

I decide to go outside to find Hyejin and ask her if we can go to the store to buy some kimbap ingredients. I walk over to the room and knock assuming shes in there but no one answer.

I head downstair and saw her on the pool shes smiling from ear to ear while standing in the pool while playing with the leaves that fall down from the trees.

'She's really beautiful specially if she's smiling'.

I walk over to the glass door and lean on it, i was just watching her play until she notice me when she turn around.

She wave at me and say."Are you done?".

I walk over to the other wooden chair and sit there before answering her."Yep Hobi scold me too,said i need to relax and enjoy since its our vacation".

She laugh and walk over the edge to put the leaves out of the pool.She then looks at me and say."Well its true that its your vacation and you need to enjoy but since making music is your enjoyment you're just doing what truly enjoys you".

"You look like your enjoying here".i say smiling she nod her head yes.

"Can i join you? I mean i don't have anything to do if i call one of my members again i think they will all book a ticket now and head towards here just to scold me."i joke

She laugh while saying."Yes sure we can swim race the loser get the flick on the forehead."

I take my shirt off since i'm wearing a sweat short and put my shirt on the chair, I dive down in the pool and splash a little water on Hyejin she giggled before splashing some on me too.

We now ready to race, i dive down and swim across,when we get to the other side we emerge from the water and notice that we're tie so no one got the flick on the forehead.

We stay a little in the pool when the sun set we decide to head inside and rest since we're still full from the kimbap earlier.

I was the first one to leave the pool,when Hyejin got out of the pool she head toward her robe when she suddenly slip because of the leaves from earlier i quickly held her.

"Are you ok?are you hurt?".i ask worried. She shake her head no.

I let out i sigh and say."Be more careful,the leaves that your playing earlier cause you to slip". but she's not responding i look at her and shes looking at me cheeks red as a tomato i realise I'm still hugging her.

I quickly let go and apologise. She bit her lip and say,"No its ok you help me thank you oppa". I look at her saw her still biting her lip.

I'm looking at her lips she's biting, she look really sexy specially now that she's wearing a one piece swimsuit.

'Is her lips sweet?like her?shes really beautiful,does a swollen lips suit her?'

I quickly shake my head and ignore my thoughts.i saw her cheeks still red, she grab her robe and put it on.

"I'm going upstair to take a shower be careful".i say and quickly head inside without waiting for her response.

'Damn it! i need a cold shower'

After im done i saw her waiting to take a shower also.

"Im done you can use it".i say while smiling, she nod and head inside the bathroom without sparing me glance.

I sigh and went to fix my air bed, after im done i head outside the balcony. I was busy watching the stars and the trees that dancing to the air. I heard the door open and close i turn my head to check her. Her hair is dry 'she blow dry it i guess'.

She turn around and look at me then look down i can sense shes a little awkward.

"Im going to sleep oppa can you lock it before you head to sleep?".she say i nod and say," Yes ok good night".smiling at her

"Good night oppa".she finally smiled at me

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