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(Part 1)


"I will tell you everything when i get back okay?just stop shouting and I want you to know first since when you and Taehyung become a couple i was the first one to know".i say to Wheein

Im here outside of the bedroom. On the balcony sitting while busy talking to Wheein, earlier when Namjoon said he will finish some verses for their upcoming song i decided to call Wheein and broke out to her the news of Us dating.

"You promise? Because if not i will call you every minute and pester you just for you to spill everything! And when i say everything i mean every details!"Wheein said.

"Ok ok i promise, i will hang up ok? And pls dont tell others about this ok? I want to be the one to tell them and im sure if they know they will call me non stop until they know everything so let me tell them when i get back".

"Yep sure i wont tell, just tell me everything when you get back".

"Thank you ok bye i will hang up now, i will cook something since Namjoon is busy in the studio." I say while getting up

"Ooohh just Namjoon not Namjoon sunbae! Aaahhh i feel like i want to know everything now!!".Wheein shout

I back away the phone from my ears because of her shouting.

"Yah! Enough! my ears hurt because of your screaming!"i said

"Yeah yeah, i just feel excited and happy! Ok i'll hang up now, im sure Namjoon want you for himself!"she tease me. I roll my eyes even though she cant see me and say,"Whatever stop teasing me cause when i get back i will tease you to no end about Taehyung".

She just laugh and say."Yeah? Tease me and i will tease you too, im not the only one whose in relationship now, bye love you".

"Bye love you too, and Wheeinah".


"Pls use protection".i tease her, i heard her shout,"YAHH!!"

I chuckled then quickly hang up before she can say anything else.

I look at the view and sigh, i walk inside then put my phone down on the night stand and look at the clock.

'Its still early i can cook later im sure hes not done yet'

I lay down on the bed and just stare at the ceiling. 'He will go back the next day' i sigh again.

'I will surely miss him' i close my eyes and sleep while thinking about him.


Im putting my things inside my bag because im done on my work. I decided to finish it and spend my time with Hyejin, i will go back to Seoul the next day so i want us to spend more time together since when we get back our schedules will not let us see each other often.

I walk outside the studio and head towards the bedroom and slowly open the door and saw Hyejin sleeping.

'She must be tired'

I walk towards her and sit on the bed, i look at her and caress her face, 'you're so beautiful in and out'.

Then i have this idea to surprise her, i quickly look at my watch and saw that its just 4 in the afternoon.

I stood up and walk slowly towards the door to head downstair to the kitchen.

'I now know how to make kimbap, i will make some and arrange some dinner date for us'

I quickly make preparations, i use the portable table and chair that are in the storage and set it outside to the pool. I put some table cloth that is in the storage too.

When im done on the table and chair, i put some plates and wine glass and some candles.

I prepare the ingredients that im going to use for the kimbap and sandwich.

I quickly make the food while making sure to be quite as possible so that she can sleep more and i can surprise her later.


"Babe wake up its almost night time".someone says

I slowly open my eyes and look at Namjoon.

"What time is it? Are you done?"i ask while sitting up.

"Yep im done and Its 6 in the evening". He scoot closer to me and fix my hair.

"What do you want to eat?are you hungry?".

He shake his head yes and say." Go wash up and head downstair i have a surprise for you".

"What is it?"i ask

"If i say what the surprise is its not a surprise anymore"he chuckled

He stood up and and walk towards the door. Before he go out he turn and said." I'll wait for you downstair".

I nod then he smile and walk out.

I got up and head inside the bathroom to fix my self.

'What surprise?'

When im done i walk out of the bedroom and head downstair while on the stairs i heard some soft music.

'Whats that'

The glass door that leads to the pool is open, i walk towards the pool and when im out i gasp loudly.

Table for two on the side with candles and lights all around.And Namjoon is standing with a flowers in hand while smiling dimple showing.

"You made all this?"i ask shock

He smile and nod then walk toward me and hand me the flower.

"My way of saying thank you and sorry".he said

"Sorry and thank you for what?".i ask him

"Sorry cause i spend my time in the studio arranging some music when i should be spending my time with you. And thank you for understanding me and loving me." He explain

I shake my head and accept the flowers then say."Dont say sorry its ok, there is nothing wrong with what you did."

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