
924 41 11

Third person

1 year after

"See you tonight babe,dont do anything and just rest".Namjoon said kissing his wife on the lips, She smile weekly at him and nod

He look at his wife laying on the bed with a worried face. Its been days since she felt weak and tired that she took an off from work for 3 days now. She never felt like this in her years in work, yes she get tired but not like this to the point she can barely walk.

"Maybe I shouldn't leave, if I tell my members about this they will surely understand an-".but he was cut off by her.

"No really babe im ok I can handle it,i know your members will understand you but how about the fans who is so hopeful to finally meet you? don't let them be disappointed so go. I'm ok and Wheein will be here later to visit so don't worry and enjoy your fanmeet."she said

He looks at his wife still hesitating to leave,She hold his hand and kiss it. He sigh and kiss her forehead before standing up from the bed.

"Ok you win, but promise that you will call me if anything happens ok?"He said while grabbing his things. She laugh and salute to him saying a "yes sir".

"No Hyejin seriously call me and when I say me as in me not our manager but me ok?"He said seriously. She look at his husband and smile ever since they got married he never stop showing to her how much he loves her, she's really thankful that she agreed with her members to stay at the rest house with Namjoon back then.

"Ok Joonie I promise"She said lovingly, Namjoon who is busy mumbling while fixing his shoe froze upon hearing what his wife had called her. She uses that nickname to him when they are busy at night.

He look up at his wife who are busy shuffling on the bed trying to find the remote control without noticing how sexy she said it and making him feel a familiar ache down to his belly.

He clear his throat and stood up,'maybe I need to go before I do something that can make her more sick'.he thought to himself.

Finding what she was looking she look up at her husband,"Take care I love you". She said, He peck her lips and say"i love you too".

He quickly walk out their bedroom before he went out of control. He walk down to head outside to his car and hop on to his car, then drive to where their event will take place.

Hyejin was confused why Namjoon act like hes shy and walk out quickly, she just shrugged and grab her phone to call Wheein.

After two ring Wheein pick up."Im almost there Hyejinnie i just stop by at the drug store".

"Ok I convince Namjoon to leave".She replied

"Are you sure you don't want Oppa to be there?".Wheein ask

"Yeah because if my guess is right I want to surprise him".Hyejin said smiling.

"Ok, Im almost there bye".She then hang up and focus on what she's watching.

After sometime Wheein arrive.

"Hey are you ok?"ask Wheein when she saw Hyejin laying on the bed looking tired.

"Oh hey you're here".she said Hyejin sit up and pat the space beside her. Wheein walk to the bed and sit beside Hyejin.

"I bought what you ask for".Wheein said showing the plastic bag to Hyejin.

"Thank you Wheenie".she smile and stood up to head to the bathroom.

"Want me to help you?"

"No I'm fine"she replied and head inside the bathroom.

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