Janeway x Tuvok VOY (fluff)

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Janeway and Tuvok are kinda friends with benefits since Tuvok is away from his wife she allows captain Janeway, the person she trusts with Tuvok the most out of all the crew members on the Voyager, to fulfill Tuvok's "needs".



I hear the beeping at my door, "Come in" I say and the door slides open and I turn around to see Tuvok quickly walking in, "You wished to see me captain?" Tuvok asks yet he seemed slightly nervous. "Tuvok we're off duty you know you may call me Kathryn or any sort of nickname you wish off duty" I say moving forward, "But that's not why I called you here I am aware it's that time for the first and last time for another seven years" I say putting my hands on his shoulders and looking him in the eyes.

I blush slightly already feeling the effects of the Pon Farr as I slowly lose control of my emotions "want me to help?" She asks innocently, fuck how is she able to act so innocent in times like this? I think. I lower my head slightly and put my finger under Kathryn's chin to tilt her head up and I kiss her passionately.

A few hours later (still Tuvok's POV)

I lay there my arms wrapped around Kathryn and my thumb stroking her soft skin as she slept.
My eyes start to droop and I try to stay awake a little longer.

2 weeks later


I flush the toilet after getting sick for the 5th time this week, I decide enough is enough I'm going down to medbay.

a Few minutes later

"Well Captain it appears your a week pregnant" the doctor says and I freeze nobody on board knew of my "relationship" with Tuvok. "Thank you doctor" I say and nod as I get up and leave

5 minutes later

I hear the beep at my door "E-Enter" I say nervously knowing it was Tuvok outside my door. "You wanted to see me Cap- I mean Kathryn" Tuvok says when the door closes behind him, "Yes Tuvok there's something I need to tell you.." I get nervous and start to fiddle with the braclet Tuvok gave shortly after what this is began, he looks at me concerned "Are you alright?" he asks as he tries not to show his concern. "Tuvok... I'm...." I swallow hard "Your what Kathryn?" Tuvok as he walks closer. "I'm pregnant Tuvok and the baby's yours" I blurt out and quickly look anywhere but at him, "How far along are you?" Tuvok holds my face forcing me to look into his eyes and I almost melt, I've always gone weak when I look into his eyes, "A week.." I say and bite my lip.


I kiss Kathryn catching her off guard "If you want to keep the child we are going to have to tell the crew, Starfleet and my family but only when your ready" I say when I pull away, "I know and I think the best decision is to tell your family now and keep the crew in the dark about the baby for awhile and since we ran into a few Vulcans a few weeks ago the crew will think one of them is the father because right now I don't want them to find out about us" Kathryn says and I nod in agreement.

9 Months later

I sit on the couch since it's not time for me to go to bed and Kathryn had to finish some paper work so she got back a little later than usual and just got back she is currently in the shower while I read a book in the sitting area in her quarters. She walks out in a pink 2 piece pajama outfit, her baby bump showing

I get up and walk over to Kathryn and wrap my arms "How are you feeling T'hy'la?" I ask as she wraps her arms around my neck, "I'm okay I've just been having slightly painful contractions but nothing to worry about

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I get up and walk over to Kathryn and wrap my arms "How are you feeling T'hy'la?" I ask as she wraps her arms around my neck, "I'm okay I've just been having slightly painful contractions but nothing to worry about... I think" She says unsure.

We were cuddling on the couch when she clutched her belly in pain, "T-Tuvok I-I think it's time!" Kathryn says closing her eyes tightly.

7 hours later

A cry interrupts the silence in the room and I look over at the doctor who still hasn't noticed Kathryn and I are holding hands, she asked the doctor if I could be there as a friend and it took some convincing but eventually he agreed. I look at my new son as a nurse brings him over to us and gives him to Kathryn, after holding him for a while she asks if I want to hold him and I say yes, she gives him to me and I look down at him and notice he has both my eyes and Kathryn's. The doctor and nurse leave the room and Kathryn and I enjoyed every moment with our new son.

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