Spirk AOS (angst&fluff)

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Requested by @Johnso376
Plot: Jim does something stupid and it's up to Spock to save him.


James Tiberius Kirk was on a mission to convince a highly intelligent and newly discovered species to join Alliances with Starfleet which, Unsurprisingly, ended in him getting chased down and attacked by the leaders the the planet's inhabitants.

As Jim ran weirdly shaped arrows flew everywhere, over his head and next to him, but he managed to dodge each one, that was until he tripped over a rock, while talking to Scotty on the com so he could beamed up, but in the process tripped and got hit with an arrow the moment Scotty started beaming him aboard.

~~~~~~~Timeskip brought to you by Spock's pointy ears~~~~~~~~~~

Jim laid in the bio-bed begging the gods to make the horrid pain stop, Bones had given him a hypo for the pain earlier but it sadly had no effect and Jim's health was declining rapidly. Jim heard movement coming from the door and opened his eyes to see none other than his first officer Spock.

"Spock.." Jim breathed out weakly as Spock walked closer and noted the captain's quickly declining health and sighed and a looked of sadness appeared on his face and he looked at the man he'd slowly fallen in love with overtime and didn't bother hiding his emotions anymore, "Jim there's something I need to tell you" Jim looked at Spock curiously and was about to say something when Spock had grabbed his hand and held it as he leaned down and pressed his lips against the captain's.

Jim kissed back, using most of the energy he left, "I love you too, Spock" Spock teared up, he didn't want to lose Jim not now not ever so he thought of one possible way to save Jim's life, "Jim do you mind if I meld with you..?" Spock asked cautiously, Jim nodded and Spock placed his fingers on Jim's face in a melding placement and began to focus, "your thoughts to my thoughts, my mind to your mind."


Jim cuddled closely to Spock, Spock could feel each of Jim's emotions contentment, happiness and love, he looked down at his sleeping lover and held him close as if afraid to let go.

Tada! I'm finally done now I just need to finish the Vorik x reader part 2 chapter and then I can continue with other chapters and books ☺️

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