Scotty x Reader TOS (smut)

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Y/N and Scotty go out for a drink while on shore leave after a few drinks they go back to Scotty's hotel room where things get heated.

In this the reader and Scotty are already dating.

Requested by @Eli_grey06


You knock on the door to Scotty's hotel room and wait patiently for an answer, "who is it?" The man in question calls out, "it's Y/N" you answer and almost immediately after the door opens. "Hey Y/N wha' brings ya here at this time?" Scotty smiles that stupid smile that always makes your knees feel like jelly.

"I came to ask if you wanted to go out for drinks?" Scotty looks at you with wide eyes. "Right now?" He asks and you respond with a nod and his smile gets even bigger as he blushes slightly, "sure lass! Why not?"

You blush and smile "see you in 5 minutes?" He nods with a smile on his face and closes the door as you walk off to your room to get ready as he rushes to get ready.


You sit at the bar anxiously waiting for Scotty to arrive when you hear someone whistle. "Wow las ya out did yourself" you turn around to see Scotty looking you up and down, you blush and smile. "And you look as handsome as always Scotty"

Scotty sits down and orders scotch for himself while you order bourbon.
You place your hand on Scott's thigh as you drink your drink and as you do so you hear Scotty's breath hitch and you look at him as he looks at you. "How about we take this back to your room mister Scott?" You suggest as you tilt your head towards the door, "you've read my mind las" He gets off the bar stool then helps you down before he leaves some money on the bar and walks out all the while holding your hand.

As the door closes behind you Scotty immediately pins you to it and starts kissing you with a strong possessiveness to it as he takes off your dress before taking off his shirt, "fuck Scotty hurry up" you whine when he breaks the kiss to remove his shirt, once he throws his shirt to the other side of the room you hear him chuckle. "Your very impatient tonight lassy~ perhaps I should make you wait longer as punishment?" You glare at him. "Fuck me before I do it myself" you threaten and that seems to get him to spring into action.

He throws the last of both of your clothes to a random spot on the floor and he starts to kiss your neck as you moan softly. "Scotty please.." you start to beg, "alright last hold your horses" the engineer smirks slightly as he lines up with your entrance and pushes in, you both groan loudly at the insertion. "Fuck" you moan out as he stops when he fully inside you and lets you adjust for a few minutes.

You pant softly and wiggle your hips a little to let Scotty know he can start moving and move he does, he moves slowly at first but soon he starts pounding into you as you dig your nails into his shoulders as your hair becomes a tangled mess on the pillow under your head and your moans start to highten in pitch as he hits your sweet spot dead on every time he thrusts in.

Above you Scotty grunts softly his voice rough and deep as he thrusts into you like a mad man as though it's his last day alive, you open your eyes not realising you ever closed them and look up as his face is scrunched up in concentration and pleasure, "I'm close Y/N... so fuckin' close!" You let go of one of his shoulders and blindly reach for his hand. "Me too!" You get out between moans just before your pushed over the edge and fall into the pit of ecstasy below.

Scotty moans loudly as he cums feeling you clench down on him, he slows down his thrusts but keeps thrusting a few more times letting you both ride out your orgasms, he slows down more before stopping all together and pulling out before flopping down on his side of the bed next to you.

You shake slightly from your orgasm as Scotty pulls the covers over both of you and wraps his arms around your waist to pull you against his chest. "I love you las" He yawns as he nuzzles into the crook of your neck, "I love you too Scotty"

Holy moly guacamole lack of motivation suckssss but I'm finally done now so enjoy!

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