Spock x T'Pring SNW (fluff)

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Plot: T'Pring and Spock have had trouble keeping in touch lately and T'Pring has important news...

Set after they got married

T'Pring sat on the couch of her small apartment, she and Spock have been discussing about moving in together but haven't had the time since Spock was away a lot more recently, she picked up her PADD and attempted to call Spock again knowing that he was usually done with work by now but he didn't answer so she sent him a message.

T: Spock we must speak, I have important news.

She turned off her PADD and leaned back, she knew what she was getting into when she married Spock but it didn't stop her from feeling deep down that he saw his job was more important than her, she sighs and lays back, looking down at the positive test in her hand.

She'd been trying to reach Spock for nearly a month now to tell him the news and even when she had an opportunity to speak with him something always came up before she could tell him.

She placed her hand on her stomach, there was a bare hint of a bump but nothing too obvious, she hadn't had a chance to tell anyone, her parents had past away years ago and she had no siblings, she also hadn't been able to talk with anyone in Spock's family either, but it made sense since they lived in a different city and T'Pring didn't feel as though it was right to tell Spock's parents or any of his family members first.

Later that night as she was cooking her home PADD let her know she had an incoming hologram call, hoping it was Spock she answered, "computer Accept call" she let the pot sit on the stove, as the PADD projected the person on the other end. "Spock, it's nice to be able to speak to you" she fought with the urge to smile, it was harder to keep her emotions hidden in her current state. "I cannot speak long T'Pring I just wanted to let you know that the enterprise will be docking at starbase 3 in 2 weeks" Spock spoke, 2 weeks? T'Pring thought, she would be two months along then. "I will see you there but Spock there is something urgent I must tell you-" Spock interrupted her. "My apologies T'Pring but I must go now" she walked over to his hologram. "Spock wait-" he ended the call.

T'Pring sighs and finishes cooking the Plomeek soup, it had been the only thing she could keep down for the past month and a half.
After dinner she started making preparations to travel to starbase 3 to see Spock.

She shivered ever so slightly at the colder temperature on the base as she walked around looking for Spock, positive that he would be here by now, T'Pring was about to walk over to a small lounge area when she saw Spock walking towards her. "Hello my Th'y'la" he said stopping in front of her and taking in her appearance.
T'Pring was glowing, looked tired, was paler than usual and was shivering more than usual, she felt his concern across their bond and she sent back reassurance. "I'm... alright Spock, I only have something very important to tell you" she said lowering her head, he raised a brow at her less than logical speech but nodded. "Let's go to my quarters first I assume you'd prefer the temperature there" she nodded and they walked over to the transporters and beamed onto the Enterprise.

As they walked they got a lot of looks from other crew members as they walked past when they finally reached his quarters she sat down on the bed and finally started to relax. "Ashayam you seem more tense than normal... does this have to do with the important news?" Spock sits next to her and tentatively wraps an arm around her, he raised his brow when he realised her clothes were bigger than normal. "Yes Spock" she relaxes into his hold which wasn't unusual but not common or normal for T'Pring unless she was very stressed. "I'm pregnant Spock, 2 months today." Her voice was soft as she watched his expression and monitored his emotions through the bond. "We are expecting?" He lights up a little not very noticeable to the naked eye but T'Pring could feel his happiness and hopefulness through the bond. "Yes we are" Spock holds up his fore finger and middle finger and she does the same pressing their fingers together. "I rejoice that we are expecting parents and I rejoice that you are with me" he held her close and she happily excepted it.
"I rejoice with thee" she responded.

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