Spock x Kirk AOS (smut)

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This is for ponyboyOnTop

Space husbands Captain Jim Kirk and first officer Spock enjoy a quiet night aboard their ship.


Spock was hovering over Jim, staring down into those beautiful brown eyes that reminded him of chocolate.

Jim pulled Spock down to kiss him, their lips crashing together as waves and passion crashed over them before the two eventually parted for air.

Spock, his shirt and pants long since gone and his boxers on his mid thigh hanging from one leg, Jim, who's clothes had been quite literally torn off his body as soon as they entered the room, was staring at the sheath between Spock's legs, the vulcan's lok unsheathed and hanging from the sheath.

Spock leans down to kiss Jim once more as he lines up with his human husband's entrance and pushes forward breaching the hole which pulled a gasp from Jim, it had been a few months since they had done this as things on board the Enterprise had been rather chaotic.

His alien husband paused above him once he had fully pushed into him, Jim panted, oh how he wish that things could be this calm more often, the captain started to moan as his first officer pulled out until halfway before pushing back in, in one long stroke.

Spock kissed his lover's neck as he continued his gentle thrusts for a moment before slowly increasing his speed and angling his hips up on his next thrust causing Jim to gasp and moan loudly as he hit his prostate over and over making sure to always hit it on his thrusts in.

Jim couldn't stop himself from moaning even if he wanted to, it hadn't been long but he was already close, the combination of not having done this in awhile as well as the constant stimulation to his prostate was causing his mind to go black and his vision to blur. "S-Spock" Jim moaned out and grabbed his husband's hand to let him know he was close.

"so am I ashayam, together" Spock grunted out as his thrusts lost rhythm and his hips stuttered as he neared orgasm, Jim held up his pointer and middle finger in a vulcan kiss, Spock returned the gesture as he continued to thrust and after a few thrusts Jim arched his back and moaned louder than before as he came all over his abdemon causing him to clench his hole on Spock's cock was sent Spock head first into orgasm.

Jim layed there panting and whined when Spock slowly pulled out, Spock layed next to his husband, both too tired to get up to clean up so Spock just covered them both with a blanket as they layed there and cuddled

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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