Spirk Werewolf AU (smut)

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Summery: Any species across the entire galaxy that are part werewolf are devided into 5 different categories first are the omegas their rare especially the males then are the deltas the 3rd rank in a pack, betas the 2nd rank, alphas who can control those in his pack and ally packs and the rarest of them all the ultimas they are the strongest and rarest of all and have the capability to control all and can turn humans and other non werewolf creatures into werewolves.
Tw: Spock is a vulcan werewolf omega but nobody besides his mother and father knows, Jim Kirk is a ultima werewolf.
Warning: smut, degrading kink, choking, praise kink, Bottom! Spock, Top! Jim, masochist! Spock.
3rd person POV
Spock was in the lab minding his own business when suddenly he felt a surge of heat and pain in his stomach and nearly fell over but thankfully he was able to grab onto his desk on time.

He sits down as he starts to sweat and the heat starts to get unbearable. He opens the middle drawer of his desk and takes out his heat surpressent pills 'Only 2 left!?' He thought and hoped it would be enough to surpress his heat since he had to go on an away mission in an hour.
Spock's POV
I am looking at some plants and take a sample for testing when I feel someone looking at me.

I looked up and noticed the captain looking at me, I subconsciously tilted my head slightly in confusion and he raises a brow, I realize what I just did and quickly get back to work. 'That was embarrassing!' I thought as light on the planet started to fade.

Lightning struck and I became frightened but hid it very well, we all quickly ran for cover.

The captain and I ran into a nearby cave after getting separated from the rest of the away team.

3rd person POV

As soon as they got into the cave Jim smelt the smell of an omega in heat 'But there aren't any omegas nea-' Jim thought then froze when he saw Spock leaning against the cold wall of the cave, panting heavily, sweating dripping down his forehead.

Jim put the pieces together and realized- "Spock your an omega aren't you?" Jim spoke and saw Spock freeze.
"Y-Yes.." Spock said and curled up as he started to tear up.

Jim walked over to him and pulled him into his lap and wrapped his arms around the omega hybrid, "Need help?" Jim asked softly.

Spock looked up quickly and looked into Jim's eyes and saw nothing but patience and love.

Spock nodded nervously and Jim smiled softly and took off both of their shirts and kissed Spock passionately.

Spock froze for a second before kissing back, he melted into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around Jim's neck.

Jim pulled away from the kiss and layed Spock on the cave floor and trailed his hands down to the waist band of Spock's pants and looked into his eyes for permission.

Spock nodded and Jim pulled down Spock's pants then pulled down his own and gently kissed Spock's neck and pressed two fingers to Spock's lips, "Suck." Jim said and Spock obeyed and sucked on the fingers lubricating them well.

Once Jim was satisfied he pulled his fingers out off Spock's mouth and pressed one to Spock's entrance slowly pushing it into the tight ring of muscle.

Spock clenched his jaw at the foreign feeling but quickly got used to it and shut his eyes in pure pleasure.

Spock's eyes suddenly shot open when his scenses were overwhelmed by Jim's scent "Y-Your a-an U-Ultima!?" Spock was honestly shocked to say the least he hadn't expected anyone he knew to be an ultima especially Jim of all people.

Jim sighed, "Yes I am you probably want me to stop now" Jim's eyes had a sudden red glow to them as he looked away Spock wrapped his legs around Jim's waist and reached up to Jim's face and made Jim look at him.

"No don't you dare stop we've already gotten this far there's no turning back now" Spock said glaring at Jim threateningly.

To say Jim was surprised would be the understatement of the year, when the shock finally blew over Jim added a second finger and started siccoring Spock's entrance causing Spock to gasp and writhe.

Jim pulled his fingers out of Spock and lined up with his entrance and looked into Spock's eyes for confirmation, "Fuck me please Ultima please~!" Spock begged and Jim didn't waste anymore time as he slowly pushed into Spock and watched as his jaw clenched and eyes shut tightly at the new feeling.

"U-Ultima p-please move" Spock whines but stopped when Jim held his hips and started to thrust gently into Spock.

Spock moaned "Ultima harder please!" He pleaded and Jim looked at him strangely, others he had slept with in the past had begged him to stop or be gentle but Spock was the exact opposite.

Jim obliged to Spock's request and goes harder and after hours of constant thrusting into Spock's prostate both men climaxed, Spock all over his and his captain's chests and Jim knotted Spock.

"Wow" Jim said panting slightly as Spock looked up at him with tired eyes and a slight smile, "I should've said this a long time ago.." Spock began and Jim looked at him confused but blushed when the omega spoke again, "I love you" The Black haired male said and the blonde male responded, "I love you too" and scooped him into his arms and cuddled him since they were going to be stuck together for awhile...

This is absolute garbage but oh well

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