Scotty x Reader TOS (angst&fluff)

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A/n also I can't write Scotty's accent so pretend it's there
A/n this was requested by princesswheeljack Summary:
You and Scotty are engaged and 2 weeks before shore leave and the day you were supposed to get married Scotty gets hurt in an explosion
Working text:
You walk in to your room clearly stressed from today after almost losing a patient, who happens to be a red shirt, during surgery. You walk to your fiance, Montgomery Scott's side of your shared wardrobe and take out one of his shirts, usually people would see this as an invasion of privacy but not Scotty. Scotty noticed whenever you have a bad day you put on one of Scotty's shirts so he knew to tread lightly. He walked into your shared quarters and saw you curled up in bed wearing one of his shirts. "Bad day Lass?" He asks walking into your shared bedroom and sitting down on the bed, you just nodded.

The next day you got up and you couldn't find Scotty anywhere in your quarters and you couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong but none the less you got through your morning routine and then headed down to medbay to start your shift.

Hours had past and you still heard nothing from Scotty which was odd because it was lunch time and normally he would be at medbay to meet up with you for lunch and of course like any other partner you started to panic but you didn't show it. Where is Scotty? I'm getting worried what if- "Y/N we need your help in here!" Your train of thoughts were interrupted by doctor McCoy "Coming!" You called and went to see what was going on.

As soon as you got there you asked nurse Chapel what happened, "Well there was an explotion in engineering and one of the engineers got hurt pretty badly" she explained and your heart sunk you hoped it wasn't who you thought it was.

When the patient came in your heart sunk once again to the pit of your stomach when you saw who it was, "Scotty!" You cry out and rush over to his side, "L-Lass" Scotty said his voice sounding broken "I don't think I'm gonna make this one" Scotty says and you held back tears that threatened to spill from your eyes, "Don't say that Scotty please you'll be fine" your voice cracked as you neared the end of your sentence and then a loud drawn out beeping sound filled the room and McCoy rushed you out of the room.

It had been days after what happened and there was still no news about Scotty's condition if he was even alive, you refused to eat and you hardly left of your quarters let alone your bedroom, all you did now was stay in bed curled up in one of Scotty's shirts. You hear the door open and close, you get up to see who it is and see Bones. Bones? Why is he her- you thoughts got cut off when he cleared his throat, "He's stable Y/N" Bones says and you quickly realise he's talking about Scotty.

Weeks had past and Scotty's back to normal minus a few healing wounds your packing your bag for your honeymoon when you start feel nauseas you rush to the bathroom and crash on the floor in front of the toilet throwing up. When you were done you realised something, "No" you whisper under your breath, you get up and walk to the cabinets and open the top right cabinet taking out a box.

You looked down at the test in your hands which read the words 'pregnant'. You never thought that pregnancy was possible with Scotty especially at your ages, you were happy but also nervous about what Scotty would think, you haven't even been married for more than 17 hours and you were already expecting a child.

You finish setting up your way of telling Scotty you are going to be parents and just in time because you heard the door of your apartment open and close. "Hey Lass" Scotty greets and walks over to you. "Hey hun you got mail" you say and hand him an envelope. "Oh?" He says and takes it from your hands and opens it, you watch nervously as he pulls out the shirt you made for him and unfolds it. He looks at you then back at the shirt then at you again with wide eyes and his mouth open slightly, "This isn't a prank is it?" You look at him tears in your eyes and a wide smile as you nod, "It's not a prank Monty I found out this morning" he drops everything and goes over to you and hugs you tightly.

And 9 months later you had a baby boy named Callum.

A/n sorry it's trash I tried TwT

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