Another exchange student ?! (Male)

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This picture dose not belong to me, i found it on Pinterest all rights belong to the original owner

Warnings: Swearing

At PK Academy another new student arrives.

Saiki has yet to deal with another exchange student but somehow this one's different? 


Y/N Pov

I have now arrived at PK Academy in Japan, I'm here for a Foreign exchange student program. My school back in Australia granted me the opportunity to study in Japan for a year, as a top selective student i'm grateful but in return to having this experience i have to learn Japanese.

I walked through the doors of class 2, I was nervous as fuck although I didn't let it show, I was having a mental breakdown. As I walked through the door the whole class went into dead set silence...


Saiki's Pov

I sat in class being pestered by both Nendo, Kaido, like why won't they just leave me alone? until the whole class went silent which was unusual considering how rowdy we were. Soon then I realised it was all because of a boy with foreign features standing at the door, I mean it's not bizarre considering i've been around the world countless times i've seen all kinds of people. Although the other students were stunned considering they haven't seen people of colour except for Mikoto. 

"This is our new student, he'll only be here for a year because he's part of our Foreign exchange student Program" our teacher introduced as she pointed to the boy

"Would you mind introducing yourself?" 

I knew he was nervous although tried to compose himself

"Shit -shit shitttt they're all looking at me, say something! " he thought

"S-sure, my name is Y/N L/N and I am from Australia" he said

"Woah" everyone in class said in unison 

Nendo raised his hand to ask a question "What's with the weird hair?" 

😃 Bi-bitch your one to talk you walk around with that fuckin' ugly excuse for a hair style  everyday and yet you decide to keep on your head"  Y/N thought

I completely agree with him, Nendo your one to talk

"Uhhh i'm not sure how to answer that, but i don't really consider my hair to be " weird" he quoted

Kuboyasu then raised his hand to ask a question " I was just curious as to ask, what is your background ? 

"Oh, Im Nigerian" he answered

"What's that?" Kaido eagerly asked

"Well, Nigeria is a country on the West coast of Afri-"

Our teacher then gained our attention by writing on the board "Ok, guys enough questions for now, you can ask more when class is dismissed" 

"Excuse me, what in the caucasity?" Y/N thought

Yare Yare, this sure is going to be an interesting year 

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Yare Yare, this sure is going to be an interesting year 



Y/N Pov

After class was dismissed alot of people bombarded me with questions

"Can i touch your hair?"

"Is there other people like you in Australia?"

"Why are you so dark?" 

"Why do you have a weird accent?"

The list goes on...

But I really bonded with a girl named Mitoko, she said she was African American meaning we had alot in common considering in African Australian.

Me and Mikoto then left the classroom as she insisted on giving me a tour of the school 

As we walked down the hallway I saw some blue headed girl being followed by adoring fanboys

"Hey, who's the stuck up princess?" i asked

"Ohh, ahaha you mean Teruhashi ? , she basically our classes model she's like a boy magnet" 

 I made a 😐 face, "Are you deadass rn?"

"Yhhhh, to be honest I'm surprised she didn't get you as well" Mikoto stated in a stunned voice 


Teruhashi's Pov

I walked down the hall with my fanboys behind me until I came to a halt which disturbed my followers

"Teruhashi what's wrong?" Boy 1 said

"Yeah!, we'll do anything just tell us" Boy 2 spoke

"Teruhashi! we love you tell us anything and we'll do it" The whole group said in unison

I swiftly squeezed past them with a small "Excuse me" and headed towards the new student Y/N and Mikoto

Why wasn't he falling for me?  I am not pretty enough?  Who was i kidding, i'm amazing any male would fall at their knees just with a glance  or  is he just like..... S-saiki!?

"Hi i'm Teruhashi nice to meet you" I blushed 

" hi......, anyways Mikoto as i was saying"

Why is he ignoring me?  i'm beautiful, perfect, irresistible so then why ?!

He has to fall for me.



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ba bye 👩🏾‍💻

(820 Words)

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