Kagami x sibling reader (Female)

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Third Pov

Request by legendaryroyalshina

The gif basically explains the type of sibling dynamic yous have

"Oi, Taiga!" You yelled

What could you possibly want this time? he thought

"Y/N?" he responded from the other side of the house 

"Do we have any ice cream left?"you ask heading towards the kitchen 

He turned "You're at the fridge, just check" he sighed  

You let a dramatic gasp out 

"What?" he questioned 


"Oh, ahh I might of umm, finished the last bucket yesterday" He nervously chuckled 

You slowly cranked your neck at him 


He backed away slowly "I, Uhh finished it"

You slowly walked towards him "Taiga, you eat like an uncontrollable pig, why didn't you think of buying more" 

He sweat dropped "I forgot.. sorry" he nervously smiled 

"Keep, your stupid sorry and shove it up your ass"

You chased him across the house , you might off broke a couple of items, but that doesn't matter right now. 

"You annoying prick come back here!"

"Nope I plan on living for a bit longer. Thank you very much " He said 

After 10 minutes you two finally exhausted your selves out

"Geez it's just ice cream who cares" he said out of exhaustion

"How would you feel If you were craving ice cream and I ate it all" you said

"To be honest I wouldn't really mind" he said smugly

You rolled your eyes "Right after a basketball game"

"Yeah then I'd totally kill you"

"Thats what I thought"

He got up and headed towards the kitchen then living room, you continued to lay on the floor and decided to scroll on tiktok for a while 

"Y/n help me" he said in an annoyed tone

"With what?" you questioned 

"The Anemo Hypostasis, I keep dying"

"Ahahahaha, that's like one of the easiest hypostasis in the whole of genshin impact" You laugh

You grabbed the controller and plopped your self next to him

-Literally 2 minutes later-

"See, done. All you gotta do is know the attack patterns " you said proudly

"Yeah yeah" 

"And you kinda need to level up your Kaeya, he's currently on life support right now"

"I know you tell me every time we join in Co-op" he sighed 

Then you hear the doorbell ring 

"Who's at the door?"

"Crap, I forgot to tell you I invited my basketball team over"

Your eyes gleamed "Really?!"

"Yeah why" he questioned 

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