When bae got a phatty Part 2 (KNB Headcanons Female)

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Aomine Daiki

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Aomine Daiki

You and your boyfriend were going for a walk, well that's until something unexpected happens

Warnings: Angst, Sexual Assault , Cursing

You tapped your boyfriend on the shoulder "Daiki" No response

"Daikiiiii" You asked once again

"Daiki!"you yelled

"Yes babe?" he finally said

"Can we please go to the shops?"

He sharply exhaled "Why?"

"Because I want some off that good good" you said 

He chuckled at your response "Babe what is this 'good good' your talking about" he quoted

"Ice cream, lollies and other stuff too, cause you know anytime we go shops we always buy more than what we came for" You said 

He held your hand as guys started to walk "True, fine then lets go"

You and Daiki were walking together comfortably having a peaceful conversation. Until he stopped in front of a corner shop

"Hey babe, wait here I wanna get a drink I'm kinda thirsty"

"Sure, could you get me one aswell? " You asked 

"What drink do you want?" 

"Uhh could i get a V can"? You answered

"Are you sure, when you drink those you get kinda.. too hyper" 

"Well I'm sure I'll be fine dad" 

He laughed at your comment as he went in the store. Since you thought he would be awhile you decided to sit down near a chair which was a small walk from the corner shop.

 You were relaxing on your phone until somebody touched your shoulder

"Hey Daiki, how'd you come back so fast-"

Until you looked up and saw some guys who looked 2 times older than you, each both on the opposite side of you

"Well well well who do we have here, a pretty exotic birdy sitting all by herself"

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