When bae got a phatty Part 3 (KNB Headcanons Female)

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Guys I'm sorry I left most of y'all hanging by not adding Akashi & Murasakibara 😭 I'm Sorry✋🏾

AHEM! Here we go

MsAkabane_ this is for u ☝🏾

MsAkabane_ this is for u ☝🏾

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Seijuro Akashi

You & Seijiuro decided to head to the local park basketball court seeing as it was a Saturday and both of your schedules were clear 

Warnings: Mild cursing, Slightly sexual

You just finished having your shower until Seijiuro bursted in 

"I'm about to head to the Park, wanna come.."

You had just gotten out of the shower and flinged your shower cap at him

"How many times have I told you to knock before coming in?" you turned and faced the mirror 

"Com on now Y/n, don't be like that" He walked up to you and slipped your towel off your body 

"Seijiuro." you said sternly

"Your just so beautiful" he said kissing your cheek while touching your ass 

You turned to face him and took his hands off your body "Yeah I know" you chuckled 

He was peppering kisses all over your neck "I'm going to the Park basketball court wanna come?"

"Sure, lemme just change" you said as you grabbed your towel

You decide to head towards your shared bedroom, slipped on a bra, underwear, t-shirt and some stretchy gym tights. 

After changing you head to the kitchen to get some snacks before you guys leave.


"Hmm?¿" you questioned 

"You are not wearing THAT to the park" he deadpanned

The tights: 

The tights: 

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