Class Trip! (AC Male)

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ISimpForYachi Thankyou so much for the idea! Although I changed it, Hope you don't mind :D

This is mainly based off S1 Ep22 of Assassination Classroom, when they were at the trip/resort having fun

Warnings: Slight cursing

Y/N is a fun, well known student of class 3-E everyone loves him, let's see how much fun they have with him on the class trip


Third Pov

Ms Irina: "Y/n, why are you taking so long? The rest of the class is already outside waiting for you"

Y/n: "Yh yh sorry Ms Bitch I gotta look the part you know, actually for you don't worry cause you'll never understand" 

Ms Irina: "Hey! and what did I say about calling me that! Learn how to say my name properly, if you can't, don't say anything at all"

Y/n: "But Ms! everyone else gets to call you that why can't I !?"

As Y/n complained to Ms Irina he accidentally missed a step on bus stairs and tripped on his overpacked luggage

Due to the embarrassment Y/n just laid there  

Y/n: "......"

Ms Irina: "HA that's what you get you brat" she laughed 

As soon as you fell most of the class started laughing, Karma and Terasaka were trying to catch their breath from how you were lying on the floor like nothing happened

but Nagisa, Kayano, Sugino and Isogai rushed to your recuse

Nagisa: "Y/n are you ok?!" he asked while trying to help you up

Kayano: "Yeah we all heard that nasty fall are you alright?" she said looking at you in worry

Sugino: He looked towards the others "Guys stop laughing what if he's hurt" 

Isogai: "Would you like it if we laughed when you fell?"

The class when silent 

Whole Class: "No" they responded quietly

You got up and resumed like nothing happened

Y/n: You got up and looked at Kayano  "What's for dinner?"

Kayano: "Huh?"

She was confused weren't you just lying on the floor a minute ago? Now you're worried about food?

 Nagisa: "Y/n, we just go here" he laughed

Y/n: "Then what are we all doing here, chop chop people" you said clapping at them

Koro Sensei: His face turned into green and yellow stripes "Y/n is right lets hurry on to the fun activities children!" 

Y/n: "Koro Sensei stop making fun of me, I know I fell but that's over now!" 

Maehara: "Relax, Y/n everyone knows your a funny guy that why we love you so much!" he smiled 

Y/n: You started smiling "Yeahhhh I knowww" 



Maehara: "Y/n get in the water!"

Y/n: "I'm coming, I just need to look for something"

You ran back to your bag to look for some swimming goggles. As you were running back to your bag you spotted Itona sitting all by himself

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