This is Love?(Ohshc Female)

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Warnings: Anxiety/Panic attack, Swearing

Y/N and Tamaki are in a relationship but Y/N came home one day and found him doing something unforgivable 


 Y/N's pov

I came back from a long day of work, my limbs were numb, my eyes were drowsy and the pounding sensation in my head wouldn't stop. I wanted to go home to be welcomed by Tamaki as we relax in comfortable silence together.

I drove down our street chilling to 2000's r&b as it filled my car. I pulled up to the drive way and spotted a car I've never seen before"It probably belongs to Kyoya , that man has a new car everyday". I thought 

I open the door to find the house in complete silence "Babe I'm home!" I hear no response, I start to head upstairs "Tamaki, where are you!" I look around our empty estate, that is until I heard rapid shuffling coming from our bedroom.

"Hey, babe, you in here" As I open the bedroom door I see my boyfriend naked on our bed with and other figure in the sheets. "Oh darling  your home" He said covering himself. I ignore him and quickly pulled the sheets of the bed. "Who's this?" I ask getting frustrated.  "She's my-" 

The girl got out of the bed in her bra and underwear then obnoxiously answered "I'm Emily and I'm his girlfriend, you are?" I started getting pissed off, how could this girl have the audacity to come into my house and question ME? "Get out before I do something you'll regret", she rolled her eyes at me "Go ahead do it, pussy"  I slapped her straight across the face and dragged her out of the room by her hair "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU HOME WRECKING BITCH IF I EVER SEE YOUR UGLYASS HERE EVER AGAIN YOU'LL FUCKIN REGRET IT, SLUT"

"And you pack your shit and leave I never wanna see your disgusting repulsive face here ever again". I could tell that he knew I was right even so he attempted to hug me, "Babe....I'm sorry" 

"I don't wanna her your sorry, take your shit and leave and don't touch me manwhore". 

I knew he regretted what he'd done but he can't change the past, what's done is done "Y/N hon please I'm sorry, I can't do anything without you!" he began to semi-cry

"You weren't sorry when you were balls deep in her huh?!"

"Was it good? did she fuck you in ways I couldn't huh?"

"HUH?!"  I repeated sarcastically   


"get out" I said

"Darling" He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "What a manipulative bastard but its not gonna work, definitely not this time" 

I snatched my hand away, him being surprised the act I then yell  "GET OUT"  

He stops and stares at me eyes broken and filled with regret 

I grab all his clothes out of our shared closet and toss all of his clothes out of our shared bedroom 

As he was about to leave a sudden urge of frustration and sadness overcame me, as I dropped down to my knees "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME" I yelled out of frustration 

"but I guess not all good things last forever" 

He turned around and walked towards me. As my eyes followed him by my body started violently shaking, breathing rapidly increasing

"Ge-get away from me" I fell head first onto the cold floor 

The room started spinning and became dull, the last thing I remember is him running towards me yelling


Everything went pitch black

Timeskip (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Tamaki's Pov

Y/N had severe Panic Disorder 

"It's all my fault, my fault she's in the hospital, my fault she had that attack,'s my fault that I don't have a girlfriend anymore 

All the host club members had heard about what happened to Y/N

"Guys looks Y/N's waking up!" Honey-senpai alerted

Honey senpai couldn't stop the tears from falling  but Mori-senpai held him up high and unto his shoulders to cease him from jumping onto Y/n

Haruhi then nudged me in the stomach "Tamaki I have a feeling you have something to do with this"

I just stared at her awkwardly and held my head down "Yeah I do"

The twins also came to visit they both calmly walked towards Y/N's Hospital bed 

Hikaru and Kaoru went in for a hug  "Y/n, we heard what happened, are you alright?" they said in unison 

"Yeah, I'm alright and thank you guys for coming" she said hugging them back

I smiled at Y/N's figure "I don't deserve her, not anymore"

"Yeah you don't" Kyoya responded

I deadpanned at him "It was a rhetorical question"

"I don't care, what you did was wrong" he said looking disappointed 

"I know I just..don't know what to do anymore, please tell me how to fix this" I pleaded

"Well u can't you have already done the irreversible" he answered harshly

The nurse then came in she greeted us and walked towards Y/N

"Well good news Miss L/N your perfectly fine, although to prevent future attacks we will need to put you into the Prozac pill, for about a month until further notice" she informed

Y/N then looked to the nurse with a huge smile on her face "Oh thank you very much"

"By the way, is there a certain way this attack occurred because it was pretty significant" the nurse spoke

Everyone turned around and eyed me down 

"Erhh no reason it just happened out of the blue" Y/n lied

"Oh so a surprise attack, thank you for letting me know make sure to take care of yourself"

"I will" Y/n said as the nurse left

"Y/n are you ok?"Haruhi asked

"Yeah, I'm fine now" Y/n smiled

"Oh and how did I get here?"

"Well I got a call form Tamaki, informing me about the issue as soon as I heard the news I ordered a private ambulance to come and get you" Kyoya said

"And lemme guess this hospital also belongs to your family" Y/N said

"Yes" he responded 

Everyone broke into laughter. Well everyone except me


She looked up at me unamused 

"I'm thankful that you took care of me but that doesn't get rid of the fact that you cheated on me in my own house" she said

Honey-senpai ran to me at full speed "Tamaki-san how could you!" 

Y/N chuckled "Oh well what did I expect, such a flirtatious man could never be faithful forever"

THE END~ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

(1084 Words)

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