I've always wanted both of you (Male)

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^This is what sorta what you look like, if you don't like it imagine something else

This picture does belong to me ✌🏾I drew it for the story cause why not 🤷🏾‍♀️ anyways onto the story🏃🏾‍♀️💨

BTWW GUYS THANKS SOO MUCH FOR 1k Reads I didn't think this book would get that much attention, OOFFT ✨WOW THX✨

Warnings: Slight swearing, Homosexual activity, Polyamory

This story contains mostly the characters in part 2-3 of Jojo's bizarre adventure Stardust Crusaders

Y/n l/n is a 17yr old boy who is best friends with Jotaro Kujo and Kakyoin Noriaki. What happens to their friendship when y/n starts to catch feelings for both of them?

Y/n Pov

My names y/n l/n and this might sound cliche but I'm the guy who fell in love with my 2 best friends

Kakyoin and Jotaro were the first people to accept me and become my friends when I first transferred here to Japan

(Recap: 1 year ago when he transferred)

"Hi, I'm y/n l/n"

"The names Kakyoin Noriaki and this guy over here is Jotaro Kujo"

Kakyoin's Pov

Y/n seemed like a nice person and I admit he was an amazing sight to look at of course I would never tell him what I thought he would think that I'm weird, I'm just glad we have a new friend but I hope we can all get along well

Jotaro's Pov

Yare yare daze, thanks a lot Kakyoin now I have another person to pester me, whatever he didn't really seem like a threat so I really don't care, although I wouldn't mind if he tagged along with the both of us >////<

(End of recap)

Y/n Pov

It has been a full year since I transferred and I'm glad I did, I don't regret anything and by next week we'll be graduating out of highschool making us adults.

I didn't want to, it was to fast to quick but it seemed like it was time for us to go our separate ways, I always had always wanted them by my side but is that what I really wanted?

They day of graduation came that was the day when I figured out my feelings for both of them, I noticed they seemed handsy and more secretive lately which kinda upset me.

It was annoying cause I also wanted to be included but I didn't want to be in their business and seem like push over.

2hrs later the ceremony was over, out of the corner of my eye I saw Kakyoin kiss Jotaro on the cheek, were they a thing? Was this what they were being so secretive about, If so why wouldn't they tell me? And Jotaro wouldn't give a fuck weather what others think so why now?


It hurt my heart to see both of them together without me, I thought we had a bond. A special one at that. They soon caught me staring and came up to me

"Hey y/n were graduates now!, isn't that wonderful?" Kakyoin said flashing a smile

"Yeah.. it's awesome we made it here, all together... " I said looking at their hands

I saw them holding hands. That's it

"Guys I got to go... see ya whenever" I said whispering the last part under my breath

Jotaro caught me looking

"Y/n wait- " He said

I heard their voices shouting for me, but I didn't turn back when will I ever see them again?

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