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[little white lies]

Quincy I gonna do it.
Delivered 12:47pm

Do what exactly?
Delivered 2:56pm

I'm telling November about you and Peter.

We can't yet Finn and you know that.

I can't keep lying to her. She thinks her dad left because of her. Quincy she has to know the truth. I don't care what her mom says or your dad I just want her to know the truth. I'm the only person whose been honest with her from the start and I've kept it a secret long enough. I can't keep doing this. Every time she talks about you guys I feel like it's going to slip out.

Let me talk to pops before you do anything Finn. Just hold out a little longer.

I'll try.
Delivered 3:18pm

Pops wants you to come over.
Delivered 4:20pm

When? Now?

No, next Friday for dinner. He wants you and Nova to come for dinner and then he will tell her. He thinks it would be best if she heard it from him. He doesn't know how she'll react and if she has a bad reaction it won't be good for you. If she wants to be angry or upset at least it will be at him. That way you can act like you had no clue.

Next Friday?

Yes, at 6:30. He's going to talk to Maria tomorrow about the plan. Until then just try not to say anything about it okay. Just ask her to come with you to dinner at our place. Make up some reason if she asks okay?

Yeah, I got it. Thank you Quincy. I'll see you on Friday.

You're welcome frog.
Delivered 4:57

November I have a serious question for you.
Delivered 5:26pm

Yes Finn the frog?

Peter and Quincy invited the both of us to dinner at their place next Friday at 6:30. Do you want to go? You can say no!

Of course I want to go! They're my favorite people silly. What's the dinner for?

Just to catch up. Peters been working a lot and Quincys been well, Quincy.

Yeah that's one way to describe him. But okay, Friday at 6:30, dinner with the homies. I'll mark it in my calendar.

I hate it when you call us that.

But you're one of the homies.

I thought I was your boyfriend?

Fine then, you're my homie and they're the homies.

What's the difference? I'm still a homie.

You're MY homie though. So you can't be somebody else homie cause you're already mine.

You know what, I think I'm cool with that.

You better be because you're not getting anything better then that.

Thanks, I really feel the love.

That's my specialty. But although I do love talking to you my mom needs me to help make dinner. I'll talk to you later.

Okay, don't burn the house down.

I won't!!
Delivered 5:54pm


I'm awful at updating I know but it's gonna get good so it's worth the wait. I mean I'd hope you'd think that. I don't really know how good this story is but thank you to the people who actually like it and comment as they're reading. Thank you to the people who have made it this far and still read when I update every decade I really appreciate you guys and you don't even know it. So enjoy what is to come.

Also don't forget about the playlist for this story. It's on spotify and if needed I can put in on Apple Music. Just comment if you'd like it on Apple Music!

 Just comment if you'd like it on Apple Music!

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