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[ advice ]

finnie boy


finnie boy
i did it!!

did what exactly?

finnie boy
i got her dude. i actually did it.

you asked her to be your girlfriend?

finnie boy

and she actually said yes?

finnie boy
why do you doubt me caleb?

i don't dude, i'm proud of you really. congrats

finnie boy
thanks now i have a question.

oh man, what is it?

finnie boy
hypothetically speaking, what would you do if you knew who your girlfriends biological father was?

are you sure this is a hypothetical question?

finnie boy
yes Caleb, now what would you do. Would you tell her or not.

see that depends, it would all be based around if she liked her father or not. I mean if she wanted to know him and meet him I would just have to tell her. Now, this wasn't hypothetical was it?

finnie boy
no, it wasn't. I mean she's always talked about wanting to meet her dad but they told me not to say anything to her. I just don't know what to do.

I understand, just give it time they'll have to tell her eventually. how did you find out who her real dad was?

finnie boy
he's been in my life for the longest time. I just never thought that he had a daughter, I mean neither did he, he didn't even know he had a daughter until a few weeks ago.

can you tell me who it is?

finnie boy
yeah, but it's going to shock you.

lay it on me bro.

finnie boy
her dad is Quincy's dad.

so you're telling me, Peter has had a daughter this whole time and nobody even knew, not even him?

finnie boy
that is exactly what I'm saying. And she's best friends with Quincy, I mean he's her second best friend, I'm still her first best friend. But that doesn't matter, what matters is she has another brother and her dad is right in front of her. I hate that she doesn't know, but they say it's for a good cause.

you've got to trust them man.

finnie boy
I do, I do. I just don't want her to be upset at anybody when she finds out. I know how she gets, I've seen how she gets. I just don't want her feelings to get hurt. I don't want her to get mad at me when she finds out that I knew.

she'll understand, if she doesn't then just explain it to her. In order for a relationship to work you have to talk to each other. Just a little advice in case you ever need it.

finnie boy
thanks Caleb, you're a great friend you know that?

of course I do, does this mean that I'm on the top of your list now?

finnie boy
Nice try dude, but November still holds the top spot on that list.

do I at least have a chance of getting on the top of your list?

finnie boy
maybe in the future, that is only if November gets put onto a different list.

yeah, in the future when you in November happily married with two kids, a boy and a girl, and you guys have an awesome game room, oh and a basketball court just so that I can play basketball.

finnie boy
Who said we were going to get married?

I did and what I say goes!

finnie boy
whatever you say caleb. I'll talk to you later I have to go talk to my mom and dad.

all right, congrats again on getting a girlfriend I feel like a proud father🤧

finnie boy
oh hush up already, later bro.

later bro.

639 words

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