Chapter IX II: Under pressure

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Tenth Doctor proves to be a wonderful host , while a certain someone ponders ...a lot.


a HUGE thank youuu to Advitiya, our wonderful beta!! <3

Sorry, I noticed that in last chapter I used '"...." ' for direct speeches and ' " .." for thoughts.
This is because in Italy Loki decided to write it like that but I'm too accustomed to my old same style , " .." for direct speeches and ' for '"...." ' thoughts.

I'm too lazy to correct chapter IX I , lol, just don't mind at it, okay? ^^'

By the way thanks so so so much from Loki and me for your amazing feedback and kudos, we love you <3

Chapter IX (II) : Under pressure

" Okay, Just one thing to mind, Peter, " the Time Lord is about to call him back

" Yes? " both Peters exclaim, looking at the Doctor.

" Not you, Peter-here-for-longer, you, Peter-new-comer. " the Doctor clarifies. " We undress in our bedrooms, not here! " he stops him in time.

Peter Carlisle nods and stops unbuttoning.

"That's better, because we already have an exhibitionist Peter! " the Time Lord rolls his eyes. " But that's wrong, we have to differentiate between you two somehow ... certainly not with surnames, it's so banal. Let me think ... yes! you, Peter the illusionist will be Drinky and you, Peter detective, will be Singy! " he decides, as enlightened.

" It definitely suits me." Peter Vincent grins.
"I don't have to ask questions." Peter Carlisle approves in his own way, making Kevin gain a new glare from the Doctor.

The Doctor takes a moment to show the rooms leading his guests through the corridors to the first bedroom, Peter Vincent's. Right next to it is Kevin's, and then there's Peter Carlisle's. After leaving the next three rooms unused there's Barty's room and last, but surely not the least, the Doctor's suite.

"The closest is Drinky's room, but they are all the same on the inside. " He opens the door, letting his various guests gape as they admire the interior. Like most of the rooms in the TARDIS it is bigger on the inside. There is a metal four-poster bed with black blankets for Peter, next to it is a bedside table of light wood and in front there is a large wardrobe with three doors. Next to the entrance door there's a bathroom. It is not very big, but it is definitely fully equipped. In front of the bed there's a shelf with a television, its remote control and a bowl of fruit.
" I only chose a few necessary clothes, but I recommend the TARDIS Wardrobe to choose clothes for every day," he explains to him. " Tomorrow I'll show you."
Peter is enchanted enough to just nod, but he hears what the Doctor says as he opens the nearby room, showing it to the concerned person.

" This is for you, Kevin. "

He smiles secretly, glad to know where his charmer is. What he doesn't know is that despite the rooms being identical, Killgrave's has purple blankets.

The Doctor leaves both men in their rooms before also showing Peter Carlisle's, which has blue blankets.

He pauses for a moment to consider, not closing the door yet.
" Ah, Singy, " he calls the detective " For tonight you are exonerated from having to sleep naked. " He informs him.

He doesn't want to have the newcomer on his conscience.

Finally, once he is sure that all three of them will be quiet for the night he sets off with Barty trotting along with him. They cross a door and then another with Barty increasingly perplexed.

"Uh, my Lord? Where are we going? " He asks at some point after the second door passed.

The Doctor puts his arm around Barty's shoulders, smiling at him.

" To our rooms. Here they are ." He says, pointing to two further doors, letting him go. " I have to give you some bad news, though."

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