Chapter II: Not such a good idea

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Peter introduces Kevin to Midori and Tenth Doctor introduces Barty to New York 2015.
and neither of these is a good idea, LOL

Chapter II: Not such a good idea

"Did I drown myself in Midori or... you have my face?" Peter wonders, leaning towards Killgrave a bit more, his eyes wide and mouth open in surprise.

He could have imagined tons of things but to stand in front of.. no, not a look-alike, even they can have some noticeable differences. This man was a living mirror, but he's sure his personality must be different and he bets he doesn't have tattoos.

Oh well, he has fake tattoos, but that's not the point.

"What's Midori?" Killgrave asks him, puzzled, even more when Peter goes far beyond the social distance limit he's used to, as the illusionist wraps his arm around his neck. Oddly, Kevin doesn't stop him. He can see that the vampire hunter is clearly amused, as he licks his own lips, thinking of something delicious.

"Well, my friend, that's easily taken care of. Come with me!"

"I am not your friend. Call me Killgrave. And... okay, let's go." he allows a chuckling Peter to drag him away.

Twenty minutes later, Killgrave still wonders how it happened but they are sitting in a third-rate pub and he's rather squeamish about touching everything in the place

His haute couture clothes are meant to sit on elegant velvet sofas and luxurious leather armchairs, surely not on a wood bench with stains of beer, varied alcoholic beverages, and other stains of doubtful origin. But to top it off, there's a bizarre version of himself who is pouring into chipped glasses a strange, sort of green radioactive liquid, not very reassuring.

"Don't mind how it looks, I know it seems Hulk's pee, but I'm hooked!" Peter explains gulping it down, as he scratches his groin exclaiming, "Fucking leather, it doesn't let you breathe!"

The more Killgrave observes him, the less he thinks that that plan he considered ingenious and infallible could actually work.

- Appearance is not enough. This man is so bloody loutish that it seems he lives in a cave! My Jess would never buy it, she's just too clever. I should order Peter to keep silent for the whole time to make him at least barely credible.- Killgrave ponders, as he tortures a hangnail on his thumb. He grows even more doubtful when the other burps, without even minding the disgusting act.

Quite the contrary, Peter is making himself at home, he might even take his shirt off if he was overheated. Strangely,Killgrave finds Peter's free range attitude somewhat fascinating. Just like his slouchy way of walking.

- No wait, let's call things with the proper name: he shakes his ass like the worst prostitute in a district of bad fame!-

This disorderly behaviour is amusing Kevin, from Peter's inability to sit up straight or his blatant disregard for polite behaviour. Actually he's so amused that he prefers leaving him in a natural state, without giving him any orders.

"Don't be an asshole, don't let me drink alone, raise that fucking glass!" Peter incites him and Kevin pleases him, tasting that mysterious radioactive looking liquor.

"Eeewww, what's this sodding thing?" he grimaces as the taste washes over his tongue. It really looks like pee, but it has a rather interesting backtaste.

"Fill my glass again." he decides, immediately after.

Peter is so entertained that he doesn't even mind the fact Killgrave actually ordered him to do what he would have done anyway.

And glass after glass, they loosen up and confessions seem to come naturally.

"Becaaaaause I llluuuv her, but that biiitch iiis neeeever happy!" Killgrave complains.

He's practically hugging the almost empty bottle of Midori.

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