chapter 8

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"marek," i say to him as we're driving to the airport.

"yeah," he says almost concerned.

"i've thought about, and i'm going to drop out of school. i'm not passionate about it. i thought i was, but-," my words get caught in my throat, "but i know this playboy shoot will really boost my modelling career, and i think i will be really happy getting to play video games with my friends for a living," i smile.

"andy, if that's what you want to do, i support you. we can burn the papers on friday."

"oh im glad you accept. i haven't gone to school at all this week and i bought equipment on saturday night." he just laughs,

"yeah... well at least i know from this you would be terrible at covering up a murder..." i give him a confusing look.

"andrea, you charged everything to my card," he says flatly,

"oh... right." we both just snicker.

"anyways, how are you liking offline?"

"it's actually really fun... im growing pretty close to everyone there, even more than before."

"you and corpse getting along well?"

"yeah, actually. he's a nice guy. he comes with me to get drinks almost every night after everyone goes to bed."

i value those nights the most. the weather is typically nice at sunset, so we roll down every window in that damn car and feel the breeze of the evening. i look over at corpse. with his ruffled, curly hair flowing in the breeze, and the shade of his complexion against the sunset; the reds, the yellows. his eyes are just gently shut, blocking out the sun, as the music plays loud in our ears, and despite my beliefs, i pray that this moment lasts forever, and one day he'll open those eyes and look at me. and see me the same way i see him.

"you know he has a girlfriend, right?"

"yes marek, she lives at the house... what are you getting on about?" i act clueless.

"it's just you talked about him on the phone with me on saturday, you two go for drinks every night... im assuming he went with you to walmart on saturday night, too... i know his microphone... also the photo you posted on your story with your drinks doing cheers... it isn't a big deal, i know... just be careful."

"vinnie and i haven't even been broken up for a week."

vinnie. shit.

to be fair, i never believed in loving someone you've never met. i knew corpse beforehand, but i would never say i had a crush on him, that's just not how my mind works. however, as soon as i saw him, all of my theories were confirmed, and i had never felt more grateful to be single.

"i know, i know... just be careful," marek consoles.

"i will." he drives us to the airport in comfortable silence, with light tunes playing on the stereo.

we arrive at the airport, finally. i mentally declare that it has been too long since i've seen them.

i impatiently wait at the terminal, with marek, to see their four faces appear from behind the doors, while hauling loads of luggage.

my eyes meet theirs. i don't know who to run to first, so i run into sean's arms in haste, and he hugs me tightly while swaying from side to side.

"missed you!"

"i missed you too, sean!"

i let go of him to hug evelyn, felix, and marzia, just as tight, and ask them how their trip was.

as we're leaving the airport and returning to marek's vehicle, they start telling stories about the trip, starting with the one of them at the airport before they left and how felix almost thought he had forgotten his passport. the entire groups seem to have a hardy laugh over tha, while marek and i search for a chuckle.

"at least they had fun." i fake laugh.

once we get back to offline tv, i explain to them my situation with staying there, and i also tell sean about the playboy shoot and how he is invited if he is willing to go.

"for sure! that would be fucking sick!"

"alrighty," i laugh, "corpse is coming as well, and i think, other than that, i'll probably invite dream. i know he likes belle delphine so-" i cut myself off and laugh.

"yeah, that podcast was funny." marek retorted.

i start cooking breakfast as people start descending down the stairs.

corpse comes downstairs in his pajamas. a nice pair of pajamas if i do say so myself. he greets the returnees with tight hugs. i gaze at his toned muscles in a white, short-sleeved shirt i had never seen him wear. accompanied by thin, cotton grey sweat-pants.

corpse pov

i walk down over the stairs. i walk into the living room and see sean, evelyn, felix and marzia. i hug them all individually and tightly before sitting down at the table so i can relax, and talk to them simultaneously.

"morning corpse, do you want anything to drink?"

i look up, and i of course know who is talking to me, judging by the voice. she looks stunning. she spins 90 degrees from the view of the stove to staring at me so deeply while asking just a simple question. i admire her features. why does she want to know what i want to drink... how is she interested in me as a person, let alone what i want to drink?

"water- please," i grin.

she just smiles at me and walks over to the mini fridge, leaning down, and i of course steal a glance of the sight. she snatches the water and walks the bottle over to me.

"thank you," i utter.

"no problem, corpse."

corpse. god, i want her to know my name. i need to hear her say it. i long for her to say my name.

she walks back over to the stove, to tend to the scrambled eggs before asking,

"where's lauren at?"

lauren. shit.

"oh, she's just sleeping. had a rough night last night."

"cool, cool."

andy pov

i have to admit. hearing them that one night, practically killed me. i , without thinking, covered my ears with my pillow as i forced myself to sleep, despite the constant rocking i was hearing that kept me awake.

i think to myself as i cook and drown everyone out.

we spend the rest of the day catching up. drinking, playing mario kart, and eating a shit ton of food.

i eventually excuse myself from the conversation to call up dream.


"hello?" dream asks on the other line, extending the vowels.

"hi, i have a proposition." dream and i are quite close, thanks to my brother, obviously, so a formal greeting isn't necessary.


"how would you, clay, like to go to hugh hefner's house on friday afternoon, before the party?"

"Fuck yeah!" i laugh at his enthusiasm.

"great, i have a shoot there on friday, so you're welcome to come."

"nice. Ill definitely be reading that article." he chuckles.

"you think you're so funny," i say with an obvious smile.

"i am."

"right well... on that note, ill see you on friday. don't be late. meet us at offline on friday."

"oh trust me, i wont be late."

"bye asshole." i smile as i disconnect the call. what a horny mess.

word count :1178


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