chapter 4

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after explaining to marek and rae what happened this morning and my thoughts on it, they consoled me and told me what they thought about it.

"well, it's good that you did that but weird how at first he was all apologetic but then just walked out on you without saying anything."

"yeah, i agree." marek spoke. he was a man of few words, especially about stuff like this. he doesn't want to speak his true mind on this in case of how it would affect me. however, at this point, if it's about vinnie, i don't really care.

"so," i changed the topic,

"what's new with you two? seeing anyone special?" i nudged rae and smirked.

"uhm," rae started nervously, slightly glancing at marek before she spoke,

"well, not really, no,"

"okay," i said, extending the 'y'.

"and you marek?"

"yeah, same. not really,"

"okay, both of you really think im that stupid... i'm actually offended!" i said in an overdramatic, laughable tone. the two look at each other and then back at me, awkwardly, as if almost trying to seek approval, which i was about to give them.

"just ask each other out already, and don't feel bad about what happened today. you two are your own people, who will hopefully embark on a new relationship that is completely different than mine and vinnie's. so just go for it." the two lovebirds look at me, grinning before they look at each other the exact same.

"i'll call you later," marek winked, and rae just about turned to mush once he averted his eyes from her, to which i laughed at the two.

"andy, what are you doing tonight," marek started,

"not much, maybe watch some movies or go to offline tv and hang out with everyone. i heard toast and corpse just moved in and i'd love to meet them," i grinned.

"cool, cool," marek remarked,

"why?" i asked. marek ticked his head to the side rae was sitting on to give me the hint.

"ahh, gotcha." rae didn't require an explanation because she, most likely, had the same plans marek did.

after we were finished drinking and chatting, we all went back into the cars we came in. both marek and i hugged rae, his, of course, lasting a little longer than mine and hers. we hopped in our cars and went back home.

once we got home, marek was talking to rae over the phone and deciding when and where their date would be tonight. turns out, it's at our apartment, so i'm definitely going to the offlinetv house. and, honestly, i really do feel they are almost perfect for each other, a puzzle piece fit, some would say. i've known rae since i was in grade 9 when marek and her first became friends so as long as i've known her, i've known that one day they would invariably start dating and i'm happy that's now.

after he got off the phone, the next three hours were spent with marek streaming bloodborne on twitch, and me studying.

"goodnight everyone, and be safe," wolf blitzer confidently reported before the video i was watching, finished.

"i'm so over this shit," i groan as i fall back on my bed. i hate studying, so much, and having tests all the time is just driving me more and more away from this whole "dream career" of mine. it seems as though everyday i'm moving further and further away from the idea of it being my future career.

i came into marek's room while he was streaming and said hello to the chat as i fell back onto his bed in tiredness.

"everything good, kid?" i just let out a loud groan as my response,

"ok," marek said, tending back to his game.

"when's your meeting?" i ask discreetly, making sure the chat doesn't know he's going on a date with rae.

"two hours. when are you going to offline's?"

"ill be leaving in about an hour and a half just in case of traffic."

"alrighty, sounds good," marek stated.

marek and i both stayed in his room until he finished his stream at 6:30pm. he turned off his pc before grabbing a towel from the linen closet and telling me he was going to take a shower. i acknowledged him before he closed the door to the bathroom. i'm playing on my phone in my room when i decide to lurk twitter for a little while.

trending on twitter in california


it is pointed out through paparazzi photos from earlier this morning in san diego that tik toker, vinnie hacker, and sister to marek bradley, andrea bradley, are going through a rough patch and have possibly broken up.

my blood was boiling. i was fuming. not only because paparazzi can't respect a single goddamn soul, but twitter has the audacity to call me the sister of marek bradley. i am a person, not a sister. i am a woman, not a girlfriend.

it was in that moment i decided that next time my name was trending on twitter, no man's name would be first, or be told in order to know who i am. i am going to make a name out of my self, and not through news broadcasting.

i sit up straight and just sit on the edge of marek's bed, my leg bouncing up and down rapidly until he re-entered the room.

"what's wrong, andy?" my head was in my hands.

"i'm dropping out of school." i stated, quietly.

"you are?" marek, surprisingly calmly, asked,

"yes. you wouldn't get it but i'm tired of being known as your sister or vinnie's ex. i wanna be known as andy bradley, gaming legend." i moved my hands away to see marek staring at me blankly, trying to find the right words to say next.

"andy, im not going to tell you what to do. i just want you to think this through before you do anything. once you figure something out, talk to me, and to celebrate, we can burn all your notes." i grin at his words.

"well then," i said, "let's fucking do this."

word count: 996

thank you for reading!

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