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It's 5 am.

Yoongi woke up, opening his eyes slowly to find that the space next to him is still taken, which made him breathe in relief. He took a glance at her puffed face, looking at her red and swollen eyes really made his heart ache. He slowly got out of bed and quietly wore a pair of black ripped jeans and a gray turtleneck sweater, he had to slowly pack his luggage so she doesn't wake up, thank god she's a heavy sleeper.He packed as much things as he could but stopped midway, looking at the pink hoodie that she wears a lot. It's probably her favorite but he didn't care, he quickly placed it in one of his luggage and dragged them to the house entrance.

"Right" he snapped his fingers "my medication" he took out the box of pills and swallowed some. Looking at it, Eunkyung took care of them and reminded him to take it. Yoongi walked upstairs and stood near the door frame eyeing the sleeping beauty "goodbye my love" he breathed out sadly before slowly shutting the door.

It took him 45 minutes to reach work but it felt like hours. He took a quick glance at his phone "too early" he loudly sighed before opening the place. The cold empty place made him feel like running back home but right now, he doesn't have anywhere to run to. Yoong sat on his desk and started his computer trying to finish up as much work as possible, to keep himself distracted from all the emotions and feelings he's going through.

He looked to the side only to find the CV paper that kept his mind running yesterday "park jimin" he whispered "right! I have to send him an email on when he can start" yoongi quickly clicked on the email icon then typed in a formal and mannered way, yet he thought of it as garbage. He kept retyping, one after the other till he really got fed up. Finally

Dear park jimin,

Accepted. Start work from tomorrow Tuesday.

From, min yoongi.

Wow, what a nice email full of respect and manners, pfff. He loudly sighed and pressed send not giving two fucks anymore. He drifted his gaze to the schedule, checking if it's packed. Well as usual, it is. "Yoongi" a deep voice echoed through the room, he drifted his gaze towards the room entrance only to find a confused orange haired guy "what are you doing here early in the morning?" He frowned in confusion. Yoongi nervously cleared his throat "work" he shifted through his chair pretending to look through papers.

Hoseok frowned his eyebrows suspiciously "it's not like you to be here this early, even opening the place? That's weird" he walked closer placing his stuff on his desk and arranging them "well.." yoongi hesitatingly said "speak" Hoseok looked at him waiting for a response "i know it's something bad so just say it" "i broke up with my girlfriend"

There was this awkward silence, Hoseok couldn't absorb properly what yoongi said so he kept staring blankly waiting for him to state that it's a joke "stop fucking staring yeah we broke up" "okay okay jeeez" Hoseok rubbed his face in disbelief "but why so suddenly? She called crying yesterday to check on you cuz she was worried" He sighed and sat down facing the depressed guy in front of him "it just happened, I don't want to talk about it" yoongi leaned down resting his head on the desk. Even if he did want to talk about it, he wouldn't know from where to start, it's all his fault after all.

Hoseok sat down and rubbed his eyes frustratedly, one of the things that he didn't wanna see is yoongi being sad, it's not like he's happy all the time, but he always wanted to cheer him up. Although they aren't the closest but at least yoongi is familiar with him. One thing he knew was that yoongi isn't a cold person with no feelings like people think he is, although he doesn't show it yet he gets hurt easily. To him, yoongi is like the suspicious charming person in high school that everyone wants to get to know to, he was the type of person who really attracted people with just his presence. Girls were eagerly wanting to get to know him, maybe even more than that. But thinking about yoongi opening up to someone is nearly a dream that would never come true.

"Where are you going to stay now?" He looked at the sad and depressed guy in front of him "I'll be staying in my car for now till i find a place to rent" yoongi sighed "why don't you come and stay with me till we find you a place?" That caught yoongis attention, he quickly turned his gaze towards him "but you live with your girlfriend" "don't worry about that, my girlfriend is on a vacation to China, she's visiting her family so she won't be here till next week"

Yoongi spaced out for a little, thinking about it, it isn't a bad thing to do till he finds a new place. He looked at Hoseok with a thankful and sparkly eyes "okay" a small faded curve formed on his lips making Hoseok breathed out in relief "thank god I thought you'll be the stubborn bitch you are" both of them chuckled "Hoseok" yoongi called catching his attention "thank you" he smiled which warmed Hoseoks heart, it was an honer to see yoongis smile, he thought "Don't mention it" he returned the smile with a bright one.

Work work work, and more work. Yoongi wanted to keep working nonstop, to distract himself from all the unnecessary thought and feelings. He even volunteered to help Hoseok with his part of work which confused Hoseok "that's weird" he thought, looking at the emotionless face of the black haired guy. Behind this emotionless face there hides his deep secrets and deep emotions that no one could understand.

"I have to contact park jimin, should we accept him or?" Hoseok spoke, drifting his gaze to the monitor, trying to find the email icon "I already sent him one" yoongi sat down, going through the CV again, again and again "what was your respond?" "Accepted, starting work from tomorrow Tuesday" yoongi casually stated which made Hoseok drop his jaw "are you for real? That isn't a work email it's a fucking trash" Hoseok rolled his eyes in frustration "sometimes I can't believe you" he pinched the bridge of his nose, watching yoongi unbothered pissed him "for fucks sake" he murmured.

Yoongis phone suddenly started vibrating which caught his attention, he stared at the unknown number like its some murder scene. His face went pale and his limbs started sweating "that psychopath" he thought. Hoseok felt the dark vibe and came closer "answer it, it might be work-" "you answer it" yoongi cut him off, throwing the phone at him like it's some lava rock that burned his palm. Hoseok nervously looked at the phone before pressing the green button "hello?"

"Hello It's park jimin speaking" a sweet high pitched voice reached to Hoseoks ear which made his bright smile show "oh hello jimin-" yoongi snapped his neck looking at the bright smile that formed on Hoseoks face "park jimin" he mumbled before getting up and snatching the phone from him "h-hello it's min yoongi speaking" Hoseok swore that yoongis face lit up 100 times more than earlier and it was a weird reaction for yoongi to suddenly have.

"Im calling to thank you for accepting me, I'll be attending tomorrow as you said" yoongi can already feel the smile that was forming on jimins face from the tone he spoke "you're welcome, we'll be waiting for you tomorrow at 9 am and im hopping that you'll be here on time" a small curve formed on yoongis lips making him light up a little more. The grumpy and sad look almost vanished which caught Hoseoks attention.

"Oh sure I'll be there on time" he lowly giggled "see you tomorrow" yoongi quickly ended the call and breathed out as if he was holding it the entire time. It felt like he was in his own world while there was a confused orange haired dude next to him "uh excuse me" he knocked yoongis forehead two times as if knocking a door, really pissed "what was that?" Yoongi snapped out and looked at him "what?" it made Hoseok laugh in disbelief "uh what the hell was that?" He said, yoongi swallowed nervously not knowing what to say "what the hell was that pff" he thought, ruffling his hair in confusion "i-it was nothing, nothing" he drifted his gaze away not wanting to make eye contact, really nervous "can you go to your work" he demanded, feeling his heart flutter. That made him really confused about it like what the hell?

"You're acting really weird lately and I don't like it" Hoseok stated and walked away really confused, maybe even pissed. Yoongi sat down stunned "it isn't the psychopath" he thought calmly "why am i this excited?" That guy really left a mark in his head. It's that same feeling he got when he won the piano competition when he was in the 9th grade, the feeling of extreme happiness and excitement.

The wave of butterflies really made him feel a little weird "why so excited huh?" He deeply sighed and sat down facing his monitors "brain... be quiet for now. Time for work" he mumbled wearing his chunky headphones and getting started with the beat "show the best of you min yoongi" he mumbled again, feeling motivated for the first time in a while.

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