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Finally, home. Technically not his home it's still a place that felt like one to him. He walked through the entrance with drenched clothes, dripping down the clean carpet that was placed in the hallway. The orange-haired man was sitting on the couch playing video games, he drifted his gaze to meet yoongis with a grin but froze "Jesus Christ yoongi!! Where the hell were you? What happened?" his smile dropped with eyes full of concern, he stood up tossing the controller aside and hurriedly walked towards him.

"I met my psychiatrist today" yoongi lowly said, taking off his soaked coat and tossing it on the floor. For the first time, yoongi tosses his clothes on the floor and not giving two shits about it, not tonight. Hoseok frowned "were you meeting your psychiatrist at the park? What the hell yoongi! Where were you?-" Hoseok let out worriedly but was cut off "I WAS AT EUNKYUNG'S HOUSE OKAY??" yoongi howled in outrage leaving Hoseok speechless.

Hoseok slowly backed away pinching the bridge of his nose, silence filled the place between them causing Hoseok to loudly sigh and walk away "I'm gonna prepare the bath, just go and get your clothes" he let out leaving yoongi behind him.

Why did he have to yell? Hoseok was genuinely worried yet he took his anger and grieve at him. Pathetic. He took off his boots and walked towards the bathroom where Hoseok was "hey" he lowly said but was loud enough for the orange-haired man to hear. He was busy filling the tub with hot water so he hummed waiting for yoongi to continue, but didn't give him his full attention "I'm sorry" yoongi mouthed, leaning on the doorframe. Now he gained his full attention as he drifted his gaze toward yoongi with an unreadable expression "just hurry up and get your clothes before the water gets cold, I'm pretty sure you're freezing right now" he let out with a small curve that formed on his lips which relieved yoongi "thanks" he mumbled before heading to his room.

He took out his clothes from his suitcase and headed to the bathroom. Hoseok dropped onto the couch with a loud sigh that escaped his mouth "this dude is complicated" he mumbled. As he held the controller to get back to the game that he was playing.

A good hour passed and yoongi still didn't come out of the bathroom "yo Agust D!" Hoseok yelled across the house "I prepared dinner!" he yelled again but got no response which concerned him. He walked towards the bathroom door and lightly knocked "are you okay?" do you need help scrubbing your back?" he said with a scoff but again, got no response.

"I'm coming in! Let's see that dick-" he let out with a smirk but what he witnessed dried his mouth. He felt his heart clench by the sight, as if a lightning struck his body.... A blue body was drowned under the water with no movement, no sound, nothing.

"FUCK!" Hoseok yelled as he sprinted toward the bathtub, pulling the heavy body out of the water, struggling for his life to pull him out as the bathtub overflowed dripping on the floor "YOONGI WHAT THE FUCK" he placed yoongi on the wet ground with tears falling from his eyes as he tried pushing the water out of his lungs by CPR. It's not working...

It's not working

It's just not...

Hoseok ran for his life towards the living room, snatching his phone off the couch to call the nearest hospital around his area "hello this is *** hospital-" "PLEASE I NEED HELP! MY-MY FRIEND DROWNED PLEASE SEND SOMEONE" he cried out trying his best to breathe, suddenly it feels like there was no air anymore "give me your address please, an ambulance with the best crew will arrive in no time"

The ambulance didn't take long, they were in front of the house in 3 minutes they carried yoongi to the ambulance and on the way they performed additional CPR but there weren't any improvements. Hoseok wept as he held onto yoongis stiff hand "why did you do this?" he let out in tears. And for a moment Hoseok felt like his soul left his body by the sight in front of him.

Rushing through the hallway of the hospital to the emergency room with a blue stiff body on the hospital bed. They pushed Hoseok outside the room "I'm sorry you're not allowed to be in the room, please wait here" a nurse said before rushing into the room and shutting the door behind her.

Hoseok stayed outside watching them through the window, sticking a tube down his throat to suck the water out, with ECG and oxygen machine linked to his body as they track the pulse, but there wasn't one.

"Why you fucking dickhead?" he cried out loud as he can see them using the automated external defibrillator to refresh his heartbeat.

Its not working
Why the fuck is it not working?
______/\     /    \__

Ah fuck, Hoseoks knees couldn't hold him any longer, he slid down bursting into loud cries. Covering his wet face with his cold shaky palms in disbelief, trembling in fear, for a moment he thought he lost a friend "thank you, god"he mumbled, sniffing his tears away. The doctor walked out of the ER room and stood in front of the orange-haired man that was sitting on the floor, catching his attention.

Hoseok stood up feeling dizzy but managed to stay on his feet "thankfully we were able to get his heart to beat again, for now, we're keeping an eye on him for 24 hours in the intensive care, and within those 24 hours we will be checking if there's any internal damage due to the lack of oxygen" the doctor let out as he fixed his coat that was drenched in liquids.

Hoseok nodded as he wiped his pale face with the back of his hand "Thank you doctor, thank you" he let out, sniffing. The doctor had a slight curve formed on his lips before patting Hoseok on the shoulder "you're the one who saved him, he's lucky to have someone like you" he said before heading back to the room with the other nurses.

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