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Yoongi held him tight, burying his face in the crook of Hoseoks neck and squeezing on to his sweater like a baby that was clinging onto his mom not wanting to let go, A sensation that he forgot about. His tears never stopped, hiccups filled the room along with the raindrops sound, it's as if the sky was crying with him and comforting him, telling him that you're not alone.

Hoseok kept patting his back, sending some comfort. Both of them stayed in their positions for as long as they could remember, lost track of time. Yoongi pulled back revealing his red and sparkly eyes, he sniffed and whipped his cheeks with the back of his palm, looking through Hoseoks sad ones "thank you" yoongi mumbled, still sniffing. Hoseok smiled and patted yoongis shoulder rather harshly in a playful manner "I never knew you were a crybaby" he said while giggling which made yoongi chuckle "this is my first time crying" yoongi stated casually still whipping his face.

Hoseok sighed loudly and rested on the back of the sofa "im glad you cried, crying doesn't have to be a bad thing" he stated, looking at the tv. Yoongi went silent, the only thing he was doing was staring blankly at Hoseok, which caught Hoseoks attention "what.. do you need another hug?" He playfully stated, giggling. But yoongi came closer and nodded Which made Hoseok giggled "do you need a kiss too?" He laughed loudly nudging yoongi with his elbow but surprisingly yoongi nodded again.

Hoseok tilted his head in confusion "hold up are you serious?" He Asked, blinking multiple times, It was a really questionable situation for him but it looks like yoongi went mute, all he did was nod "bro i think you're really drunk, you should sleep" Hoseok stood up "I'll prepare the guests room" he said ready to walk but yoongi was fast enough to stop him "you said you'll give me a hug" yoongi sniffed drifting his gaze up to meet Hoseoks. It's as if he turned in to a toddler who wants to hug his teddy bear, except they are two grown ass men and one of them is drunk . Hoseok sighed "but i just gave you one" "more" yoongi replied quickly, still sniffing "jeez are you always like this when you're drunk?" Hoseok whined, sitting back and pulling yoongi into his embrace "I won't kiss tho" he patted his back lightly "this is getting suspicious, im glad my girlfriend isn't here cuz if she is it'll look way more suspicious"


One thing yoongi knew was that he's all alone now, when he thought he had everything, now he has nothing. Not even a friend, or could he call Hoseok one? He's just a solo soul floating around in this huge planet where no one cares about him.

Park jimin, the soul that is floating in the same plant as his. In the same country as his, in the same city as his. This man captured his heart in the wrong period of time, where he feels the weakest. He's mysterious, charming, ethereal. What other words could describe that angelic man?

Park jimin..

Park jimin....

"Park jimin" yoongi gasped, opening his eyes wide open. He gulped and calmly breathed out "it was a dream" He frowned, avoiding the bright rays that was creeping into the room. Yoongi lifted himself and leaned on his elbows, looking around to the unfamiliar surroundings.

The queen sized bed was really comfortable, looking at the furniture really gave him some calming vibe. He sat at the edge of the bed and palmed his face, feeling the headache kicking in, dizzy as hell. He drifted his gaze towards his phone "6:22am" he sighed in relief then got up heading towards the bathroom.

Yoongi took a quick shower and wore new pair of pajamas, tossing away the clothes he slept with, the same clothes he wore yesterday but was too drunk to change. He got out of the room with the towel around his neck only to find the orange haired guy preparing the breakfast "good morning" yoongi spoke in a low tone, catching Hoseoks attention "oh good morning babe" he giggled which made yoongi frown in confusion "babe?" He walked towards the kitchen counter and hopped on it, sitting like he owns the place "yeah babe, how was your sleep?" Hoseok laughed, flipping the eggs on the pan like an expert chef "it was fine" yoong replied still confused "i made breakfast babe, have a seat" Hoseok giggled which annoyed yoongi, he hopped off the counter and sat down on the chair "what the fuck is babe?" He raised his voice a little bit, causing Hoseok to laugh "I swear if I tell you you'll laugh, eat first" he said placing the plate in front of Yoongi and sitting across him, still giggling "you're annoying me this early in the morning" yoongi mumbled, stuffing his mouth with the well cooked meal "thank you" yoongi mouthed while chewing it.

"So babe how was the hug yesterday?" Hoseok giggled which made yoongi choke on his food, he coughed till his eyes watered "what the fuck are you talking about?" He said still catching his breath. Hoseok bursted out laughing while looking at him "if my girlfriend finds out we'll be screwed" he covered his mouth pretending to laugh but watching yoongis shook face made him laugh for real.

Yoongi sat there speechless trying to remember what the fuck did he do but all he could remember is crying. He palmed his face which caused Hoseok to laugh hysterically "dude I can't believe you can't remember, it was the best" Hoseok said still laughing which made yoongi choke again "wait just... wait hold up i have no idea what happened but" he rubbed his entire face nervously trying to wake up and calm himself "but don't tell me we had sex" he lowered his tone saying it, feeling the blood rush to his face but all Hoseok did was laugh "maybeee" Hoseok said shyly covering his face, but he's actually dying from laughter "oh my god... t-tell me it's a joke" yoongi stuttered, getting up and roaming around himself, feeling the anxiety attacks "it's a prank dude" Hoseok stated still laughing, watching yoongi panicking is so funny.

Yoongi stared blankly at the laughing man in front of him trying to intake the damn joke he thought it was so stupid. He reached out to Hoseok and grabbed him by the shirt, grinding his teeth "jung Hoseok I swear one day I'll hit you in the face and I won't regret it" he breathed out looking at the still laughing guy "bro chill it's not like we really had sex, it was just a hug" he giggled "i like it when I tease you, I swear you have the best reactions" he kept laughing, squeezing onto yoongis hand telling him to let go. Yoongi breathed out in relief, sparing Hoseok and returning to his chair "from now on my secret will stay and die with you" yoongi said, stuffing his mouth with the well made food "what secret? You barely said anything last night" Hoseok scoffed "yoongi, you should really talk about what's bothering you one day" Hoseok calmly said, looking at yoongis dull emotionless face. How can a person be this introvert? To be so conservative about what's going through his mind? to the point where he's scared to trust? What made him be this person he is today? Hoseok thought.

"How will you solve problems without talking about them and facing them?" Hoseok gently spoke, truly concerned. Yoongi lowered his gaze looking at his hands that was resting on his lap. Hoseok was right, keeping thoughts to himself guided him to where he is right now. The fear of being judged caused him nothing but harm "you're right" yoongi responded in a lower tone, still looking at his cold palms "I'm just afraid" he spoke, lifting his gaze to meet Hoseoks "im afraid of people" he's trying to hold his tears back, but his eyes is showing it all.

"You're a 26 years old man who's still young and has his life waiting for him. I don't know what happened or what you went through in the past, but it looks like your past is really affecting you" he said, watching yoongi lowering his gaze, hiding his face "But fun fact! the past is in the past yoongi" Hoseok said reaching out to his hand, holding his cold sweaty palm between his "past helps you to learn and develop, don't live in fear of your past" Hoseok said with a small curve that formed on his lips "it'll ruin your present and future" Hoseok smiled, pinching the skin of yoongis hand teasingly, causing him to hiss and lift his face up "this talk is said by everyone yoongi, yet not everyone really believes in it and work based on it" Hoseok said, looking through yoongis eyes.

"your past will never come again unless YOU allow it to repeat and haunt you" Hoseok can already see all the tears that is building up in yoongis eyes "life is beautiful yoongi, filled with ups and downs yet good days will come... focus on what's here and now yoongi" he said, opening yoongis palms and lifting them to his eye level "focus on whats in your hand right now, not what used to be in the past" Hoseok calmly spoke, letting go of his hands "people aren't scary yoongi, you're just weak. You should know your worth and how powerful of a man you are, you should know your strength and place in life. Search for what makes you powerful and embrace it"

"You're smart yoongi, but sometimes you just forget that you are" Hoseok said, getting up and carrying his plate to the sink, he collected all the dirty dishes and started washing them, leaving a stunned man that was rethinking all of his life decisions as if flipping through an old book filled with the story of his life. It wasn't a bad idea to open up after all, he didn't even say much yet it felt like Hoseok summed everything he needed to hear from a long time ago.

It felt like Hoseok partly understood him. Where was Hoseok when he needed him the most? Or maybe it was him who needed to open up from a long time ago, to seek help. He was just too overwhelmed with his fears he forgot that he had a life to live.

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