Afraid to give a chance { 11 }

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Yoongi is enjoying every moment with the silver haired man, having little chitchats with him is interesting to him. Watching Jimin laugh really brought life to his soul "Jimin" yoongi called, with a small curve printed on his lips. Jimin hummed with a slight giggle waiting for yoongi to continue "im happy that we're together right now" yoongi bluntly stated, still paying attention to the road, already feeling his heartbeat rising. Jimin breathed out with a smile, still looking at the man next to him with eyes full of admiration "me too, im grateful for having your company" Jimin said with a lovely warm smile on his lips.

Yoongi nervously cleared his throat "so where do you live?" He asked still focusing on the road "take the next U turn" Jimin calmly said, looking through the window. Jimin kept directing yoongi to his house which confused yoongi "Jimin you live far away from work, how could you walk all this distance?" He asked drifting to the next street like Jimin instructed "it's fine im used to it" he said "over there، thats my house" he pointed away gesturing for yoongi to stop there.

Yoongi parked in front of the house, he drifted his eyes towards Jimin only to meet his, both of them kept looking into each others eyes waiting for one another to make a move, which yoongi did. He awkwardly offered his hand with a slight smile on his lips waiting for jimin to reply. Jimin breathed out with a smile then held yoongis hand, suddenly pulling him closer to his embrace, Something shocked yoongi.

Yoongi paused feeling Jimins arms wrapping around his neck, Jimins hot breath hitting his ears and neck, giving him the chills. Yoongi can already hear his heartbeat ringing through his ears which he secretly wished for jimin not to hear it. He slowly wrapped his arms around Jimin, still in shock, but decided to live the moment, Something Hoseok taught him.

The warm hug sent tons of comfort to him, he never knew he enjoyed hugs that much till now, and till he asked Hoseok for one. Jimins cologne became even stronger, sweet and bubbly. Almost drowning him. Jimin backed away with a soft smile "you're not scary like people say" he smiled, still hanging on yoongis neck "at least that's what I think" he giggled then backed away holding his bags "you make me sound like a monster, who said that?" yoongi curiously asked making Jimin laugh loudly, still focusing on his bags "the entire industry did" Jimin said with a giggle.

"you're sweet" yoongi suddenly stated which caught Jimins attention, he smirked "and?" Jimin asked with a grin. Yoongi gulped nervously feeling the blood rushing to his face "a-and you're beautiful" yoongi mumbled but jimin heard him loud and clear,he smirked "and?" He continued with a grin wanting to know more "you're good at work too" yoongi shyly mumbled, feeling exposed.

Jimin chuckled, watching yoongis face turn bright red is fascinating. He came closer and suddenly applied a light kiss on yoongis cheek, causing him to flinch in surprise. Jimin giggled "having a good night, hyung" he waved with the biggest smile he could have and sprinted out, skipping through the puddles. Yoongi stayed there watching the silver haired man entering his house, he let out the longest breath the moment the house door was closed, as if he was holding it the entire time.

Yoongi rested on the back of the seat lifting his head up in disbelief, he chuckled palming his face shyly, feeling embarrassed of how stiff he was, he couldn't bring himself up to make any move, like a statue.

Yoongi drove back to Hoseoks house, he couldn't calm down, repeating the scenario in his head like a clip from a movie. Trying to fit in the right reaction he could possibly did but was too nervous to do so, he's blaming himself for not reacting, of how stiff he was.

Yoongi reached his destination, rushing in trying to find the orange haired man "Hoseok!" He called, rushing to the living room, looking left and right trying to find him "you're back? I thought you were gonna come late" Hoseok walked in with the towel around his neck, ruffling his wet hair "Hoseok!" Yoongi nervously breathed out, rushing to him and holding him from his shoulder "Jimin kissed me" he loudly stated, shaking Hoseoks shoulders. Hoseok scoffed with a frowned, confused "Were you drinking outside?" He tilted his head in confusion but yoongi aggressively shook his head "no Hoseok, i was with jimin" he excitedly breathed out almost panting, looking through Hoseoks confused eyes made him wanna explain more "i-i was heading home then saw Jimin on the street so we went and had some food and then he kissed me" yoongi rambled quickly still looking through Hoseoks confused eyes.

"Wait wait" Hoseok backed away waving his hands, He frowned tilting his head "im confused" Hoseok breathed out "i just told you i saw him on the street and was planning to give him a lift to his house but he suggested to eat and then he kissed me" yoongi replied nervously feeling his palms sweat.

Hoseok palmed his face giggling "I swear min yoongi this is so funny" he giggled loudly "I told you he has a crush on you but you didn't wanna listen" he nudged yoongis shoulder rather harshly "and now he kissed you" he laughed loudly which confused yoongi. What should he do now? Whats the next step? He felt lost. Yoongi stood there watching him laugh which annoyed him "aren't you gonna help or you'll just laugh?" Yoongi asked, annoyed.

"Help you in what?" Hoseok laughed "I don't even know what's your plan like what's your intentions? and what do you want to do next?" He stated seriously "i cant decide all of that. It should be you" Hoseok said "jimin is a human so don't move too fast, you might hurt him" He continued, patting yoongis shoulder "maybe when u figure things out then i can help" he smiled at Yoongi "now tell me, how was the kiss?"

Yoongi stood there silently thinking about what Hoseok said. Sometime he feels like he's brainless, and other times his brain refuses to leave him alone. Maybe staying alone is the best for him, to stop hurting others, he thought. Looking at how gentle Jimin is, he doesn't deserve pain. If only Jimin knew about how terrible of a person yoongi is, he wouldn't dare talk to him, yoongi thought. He wish to change, but wishing without acting is like being in a delusion.

"The kiss, it was on the cheek" yoongi mumbled, suddenly feeling down. Negative thoughts were taking over his mind like a cloud, blurring his vision. Hoseok scoffed, pouring a glass of wine "at least he kissed you, it doesn't matter what type of kiss it is" Hoseok said with a smirk, sipping his drink "shut the fuck up, im heading to my room" yoongi said with a frown, leaving a confused orange haired man behind "damn that mood swing of yours" Hoseok said rolling his eyes.

Yoongi rushed to the guests room, shutting the door behind. He leaned against the door feeling his heart clench. He can already feel the panic is attacking, gasping for air, feeling the world spinning like a video game that he lost control of. Yoongi slide down the door frame and sat on the ground, without realizing his tears kept falling down his cheeks. The overwhelming sensation of loss, the feeling of being lost not knowing what to do. He lost what he loves only because of how terrible of a person he is, now he's just afraid of giving himself a chance.

He kept gasping for air trying his best to calm down, trying to lower his voice so Hoseok knows nothing. He slowly crawled to the edge of the bed and pulled the blanket, stuffing his face in it and trying to reduce his voice. The tears burning his eyes and blurring his vision, while the thoughts blurring his mind.

A small knock echoed through the room causing yoongi to hold his breath in fear, he gulped trying to calm down "yoongi?" Hoseok called waiting for yoongi to respond, but yoongi curled up near the nightstand holding the blanket to his chest, waiting for Hoseok to walk away, he kept quiet, hoping that Hoseok thinks he's asleep "are you okay? I think i heard something" Hoseok asked knocking again, waiting for a respond but all yoongi did was cry in silence.

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