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Yoongi leaned back on his chair, feeling really satisfied as if winning some race. He actually won a race, having the ability to compose and produce 5 different songs is really a win against time. It might sound a lot but it's the bare minimum for him.

He stretched himself out then leaned back again, looking at the window, it's been a while since he really watched the sunset. The sun creeping through the stuffed clouds, the warm colorful rays across the horizon, it was so beautiful "yoongi" a deep and husky voice reached to yoongis ears, catching his attention "it's time to leave" Hoseok said while packing his handbag "okay let me just clean my desk" he stated, getting up and arraigning all the papers that was scattered across his desk.

Yoongi took one last glance before locking the place "neat" he happily mumbled, locking it up. Both of the stood in front of the entrance really confused about the the sudden weather change "it looks like it'll rain" Hoseok stated "we should hurry up, follow me with your car" he breathed out, running towards his car and unlocking it.

The trip wasn't that long since Hoseok lived near the workplace. Both of them parked, Hoseok took a quick glance at him, watching him struggling with the luggage is funny, yet sad at the same time. He offered to help, but yoongi being the stubborn guy he is didn't accept.

Finally, the apartment. Hoseok turned on the lights revealing the well designed entrance, he looked around as if investigating. Clean, well tidied, smells like lavender, his favorite. The color choices really represented Hoseok, really cheerful with positive energy.

"you have a good taste" yoongi randomly stated, dragging the luggage to the living room. Hoseok turned around with a smile "thanks, it's actually my girlfriend's taste" he giggled, closing the door behind them "im planning to propose next month" Hoseoks smile really shone. Yoongi can see the sparkle through his eyes, he secretly wished to see that sparkle in eunkyung's eyes when he wanted to propose, but everything collapsed "that's great! I wish you all the best" yoongi lowly said. Hoseok saw yoongis face drop, he should've kept that information to himself.

Both of them sat on the sofa a little bit awkward "it's my first time bringing a friend home" he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. Looking at yoongis pale and tired face made him feel like caring for him tonight "would you like to eat?" Hoseok tilted his head waiting for yoongi to respond but all yoongi did was shake his head. Hoseok knew that yoongi doesn't want to speak, rather than that he wanted to sleep and rest.

"I'll prepare the guests room" Hoseok stood up and was about to walk till yoongi cut him off "lets drink, i want to drink" he said, he never took his eyes off the ground, like a wet puppy that was abandoned in the garbage under the rainy night. Hoseok knew that yoongi needed comfort yet he didn't know how or what to do, but one thing he knew is that yoongi needs him.

8 bottles of soju is a little but too much for two males, but Hoseok couldn't care less right now, he just wanted yoongi to feel better although drinking wouldn't help at all, it might even make things worse. Yoongi removed his coat and sat down in a comfortable position, he wanted to get ready for the alcohol to hit "wait for me I'll bring some snacks, open the tv"Hoseok tossed the remote to yoongi and sprinted away to the kitchen.

Yoongi zoned out looking at the remote, he nervously breathed out "i can trust Hoseok, he's the only friend I have" he lifted his gaze towards the kitchen entrance, looking at Hoseok while preparing the snacks gave him a little bit of comfort "don't worry yoongi, don't be afraid" he held the remote and pressed on.

Thinking about it, yoongi never really had friends, from elementary school till hight school. Being alone wasn't an issue for him, but the feeling of being judged and looked down on by the people around him has always been haunting him. he couldn't fit in wherever he goes, he felt like an outsider. It wasn't easy for him to got through school especially when his childhood wasnt the best.

Being abandoned at the age of 7 near a huge dustbin in the middle of nowhere wasn't something he could forget, the most traumatic experience he could ever go through. That cold dark night he couldn't forget where he felt like nothing but a piece of trash, unwanted. And the people who found him never treated him right. It was at the age of 13 when he decided to move away and live alone, to move away from all the horror he lived through. He always wanted to know what fault did he make to get thrown away like some dead meat that was rotten.

Living alone was the best decision he made, that's what he thought. moving away and starting over, to just forget. Its when he discovered that he had depression, its when he decided to jump off the bridge and it's when eunkyung saw him and stopped him. Thats when he felt hope, she was the only one there for him and he knows that without her he would be a dead body floating on the surface of the river. She gave him life, love and hope that everything's gonna be okay. She stood by his side and fought with him. She made him love life, But it looks like while he was living she was dying inside and he never noticed it. Becauseof him... she was suffering.

Hoseok came back with plate full of snacks, he smiled brightly and sat next to yoongi "I brought the snacks you like" he placed them in front of yoongi. Yoongi giggled "and how do you know what i like?" He extended his arm and took a hand full of chips before stuffing his mouth with it. Hoseok giggled "we've been working together for 3 years now, of course i would know" he smiled before stuffing his mouth with it too. Yoongi swallowed and looked at Hoseok, admiring him "you're the only friend i have" yoongi said still staring at him. Hoseok paused and drifted his eyes to meet yoongis sad ones, reached for his hand and smiled, slightly squeezing it "im here for you, my friend" he can already see yoongi panicking, yoongi isn't used to all of this, yoongi nervously snatched his arm away scratching the back of his hair "th-thanks" he nervously breathed out which made Hoseok laugh loudly "dude look at your face, it's literally red" he laughed teasingly, nudging yoongis shoulder.

Hoseok and yoongi sat down watching tv, he could already see yoongi started drinking. He sat down next to him and purposely didn't drink cuz he knows that someone needs to take care of yoongi. One bottle after the other, he wanted to go numb, to kill all the feelings that was creeping in to him, and to forget. As if drinking will permanently erase his memories but he couldn't care less anymore.

Both of them stayed silent, the only sound that was heard was the rain drop hitting through the window, it was loud, filling the silence. Hoseok worriedly frowned, yoongi already finished three bottles yet he wanted more. Hoseok came closer "yoongi i think that's enough" he looked at yoongi but there wasn't any response, the numb and dull expression yoongi had gave him chills, he didn't want to question it, yet. he knew yoongi needed silence more than anything. He kept on drinking nonstop which irritated Hoseok. He stood up moving away all the bottles to the kitchen counter but as he drifted his gaze back to yoongi all he saw was tears running down his cheeks.

Hoseok froze, he didn't know what to do. He gulped and slowly walked towards him, sitting next to him with a concerned frown. yoongi, the (cold hearted and strict dude) as people say, seeing him crying really tore his heart, he never believed those words anyways.

"hey" Hoseok lowly said, almost whispering "what's wrong?" He finally had the courage to ask, passing the tissue box for yoongi to hold. Yoongi didn't know what to say, he sniffed and palmed his face whipping all the tears away "ah.. nothing, it's nothing" his shaky voice wasn't something that Hoseok expected to hear, now he's way more concerned.

Hoseok nervously gulped the lump that was suffocating him "you can tell me" Hoseok said, reaching out to yoongis arm and applying some pressure, reassuring him that he's by his side.

Yoongi drifted his gaze meeting Hoseoks, he looked through his eyes trying to bring himself up to speak, to pour out his deepest secrets and to lift some weight off of his chest but all he did was stare, eyes dripping with tears. He blinked trying to clear his vision "hug me" yoongi lowly mumbled but Hoseok heard him loud and clear. Hoseok breathed out in relief as if some good news was said, without hesitation he pulled yoongi in to a tight hug, embracing every inch of him.

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