42- All The Stars

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Alex's POV

She walks down the sidewalk, away from me. I am not going to let her do this to me again. To us. Being apart didn't just hurt me; it hurt her also.

I let Aurora run away from me, but I know this will not be the last I see of her. I jog back inside and see the boys talking to Azalea and Jenny. They look at me with nervous eyes as I stand next to them.

"I told her," I announce with a smile on my face. Even though she left me, I know this is not the end. It just feels good to get it out.

"Told her what?" Azalea asks with a raised eyebrow.

"That I love her," I reply with an even bigger smile. She now knows.

"Her reaction?" Eric continues. While Aurora was away, they were constantly there for me, even when I pushed them away. Eric has been hanging out with us on a daily basis now and the band is getting so much better each and every day. I, on the other hand, have been getting worse without her here.

That might just change now.

"Told me to stop and that she doesn't deserve to be loved. She said it's not real."

"Then why are you still smiling?!?!" Azalea shouts at me in frustration.

"Because I know it is real and I'm determined to show her," I tell them.


"Words. Lyrics. Just talk to her," I say. "I've been working on a song, but I don't want to use it on her just yet. But some songs have meaning to us, so I might use those."


I stand outside as the rain comes down and soaks my hair. I look into the window and watch Azalea's dad gets some more paintings hung up in Aurora's gallery. They are all so beautiful and I'm still so surprised that she is that good. I always knew she was hiding something, but I honestly didn't expect it to be so beautiful.

I glance up at the sky. I don't really mind the rain. It's too perfect and beautiful since it's just that pretty summer rain.

I look back inside and I see Aurora talking to Azalea's dad. She waves to him before she walks towards the door. Her eyes are looking down at the floor, just like how she normally walks, like she's afraid to meet people's eyes,

Aurora doesn't see me as she opens the door and begins to walk down the sidewalk. I take a deep breath. I need her to turn around and not just see me but stay with me.

"I can hear your heart on the radio beat. They're playing 'Chasing Cars' and I thought of us." I sing loud and clear All The Stars by Ed Sheeran, the same words she used as her voicemail when she was in England. "Back to the time, you were lying next to me. I looked across and fell in love."

She freezes on the spot and takes a deep breath before turning around.

"I thought I got rid of you," she says with a small smile playing on her lips.

"Well some people run just because they want to see if they are worth being chased," I tell her with a shrug. "I feel like that is somewhat the case for you, except that you truthfully think that we can't be together."

"Why should we be together?" she questions as she steps towards me so we are a little closer. I wish she would just come closer so that I could hold her.

"Is 'I love you' not enough for you?" I ask with a small smile. "Because I can do more than that."

"I'm . . ." she starts with a sigh. "We can't be together. It would never work. End of story. Now I have to get going."

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