2- Romeo and Juliet?

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"We will be having a project due next week. You are to pick a scene from one of Shakespeare's plays, and reenact it with a partner. No costumes required, just more verbal and also the actions. Also must have a quick crash-course and what happened before the scene you chose. It will be due the day you leave for Christmas Break."

And who do I get paired with for this Literature project, just because the world hates me?

None other then Alex Johnson of course.

He scoots his desk up to mine and I duck a little bit. Just him being near me increases my heart rate.

"What play?" I ask, avoiding eye contact with his beautiful brown eyes.

"What about Romeo and Juliet?" he says cheekily.

"No," I say without glancing up from my notebook.

"C'mon," Alex complains. "It's a simple play and everyone will know it!"

"Fine fine," I give in. I look up and realize how close his desk is to mine. "We'll work at your house."

"Can't," he says as he leans back and puts his hands behind his neck, showing off his muscles, making my heart stop. Man is he cute... "My mom has a book club tonight. So it's your place."

He can't go there. He'll see everything as a wreck and that is not good. He'll probably just use it against me and I can't afford that to happen again. Not after last time.

"Well the project's not due for awhile," I reply nervously. "We can do your house on Friday."

"Fine," he gives in this time. "But we will be working at your house at some point."

"Why so interested to go to my house?" I accuse him, leaning forward so that my head is on my hands.

He leans forward, coping my motions, so we are only inches apart and his breath fans out over my face, making my breath hitch. "Your eyes look like they shouldn't be brown. It looks unnatural."

My normal eye color looks unnatural.

"What color should it be?" I question, suddenly interested in the change in subjects.

"Green," he says firmly. "Definitely green."

"Well too bad," I say as I lean back, not wanting to get further into this subjects since it's kinda touchy for me. "They're just a dull brown. Like dog poop."

He chuckles at this and I can't help but smile at him. His smile immediately drops and he stares at me.

"That's the first time I've ever seen you smile," he points out, almost sadly as he observes me like I'm hiding something, which just so happens to be the real me.

"Yeah well don't get used to it," I grumble, tired of having the attention on me. I've always hated everyone looking at me, and even more when it was just one person paying this close attention to me. "Why the sudden interest in me?"

He shrugs his shoulders and we both go silent. 

"I feel like you're hiding something," he confirms as he stares at me, like he observing me, trying to figure me out. "And I wanna know what. You're too innocent. Something is wrong there."

"Is it just because I don't sleep around?" I ask, getting easily annoyed with him and his attitude.

"Maybe that's why you're such a stuck up brat," he says with a shurg, like it might actually be a possibility. "You're probably just another one of those quiet girls who hides behind the glasses but is rich and has slept with the whole soccer team."

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