27- Mistletoe

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"No," I simply tell him.

"Oh come on!" Sebastian complains. "It's simple, and mistletoe is the best reason to kiss! It literally forces you to kiss, so they will understand why we did it, and it will make them realize that they'd rather switch places with one of us because they will be jealous and-"

"Okay okay fine," I finally agree to his horrible plan. "Just warning you, I am a terrible kisser."

"I'll be the one to judge that," he smirks at me.

"Just um... do this as friends?" I ask him, making sure I see everything going on here.

He nods his head. "No offense, but I could never think of you like that."

"Same here." I smile.

I look up and I see Jenny, Derek, Alex, and Azalea walking towards us. Derek quickly comes up and gives me a quick hug. We begin to talk as normal people, until Jenny jumps for joy and points up, right at the mistletoe.

"Right on top of Aurora," Derek smirks. "Now you gotta kiss the person nearest to you."

I groan and look to Sebastian, the closet person to me.

"But-" I try to back down. This was a bad idea.

"Rules state," Derek announces to us," kiss is required for 10 seconds, open mouthed, and there's no backing down."

"I've never heard of that before," Alex tries to tell us, but Sebastian replies for both of us.

"No no it's fine. It's not like we even actually like each other," Sebastian says and I quickly agree. "So no feelings hurt and we aren't messing with each other's feelings, so it's all safe."

I don't dare look at Alex's face, and instead look at Sebastian as he stands in front of me.

'You sure?' he mouths to me and I nod my head. No backing down was clearly stated in the rules.

I hear our friends hold their breathes as Sebastian leans in, and I finally close my eyes and go with my gut.

Since it's ten seconds and open mouthed, we just go with it. Sebastian is actually an amazing kisser, so it wasn't too bad. I was probably horrible, but I just put my hands on his chest and went with it.

"Time!" Jenny announces and we pull away, with me deeply blushing.

I hear applause break out and see that everyone around us was watching the mistletoe kiss, seeing if we would do it. They quickly go back to what they were doing at least and ignore us.

"I'm amazed you actually did that!" Azalea says, almost sadly at me.

"Not like I had a choice," I tell her as I glare at Derek for making up those rules. He just smiles innocently, making me want to punch him.

"Well if it makes you feel better," Sebastian tells me as he wraps his arm around my shoulder,"you are actually an amazing kisser. No joke."

"You aren't too bad yourself," I joke with him and he growls at me. "Okay fine, you were better than just okay."

"Well that works for me," he smiles as he releases me.

I finally look at Alex and see him staring at me blankly.

"Um I think I'm gonna head home," I tell them as I get out from under Sebastian's arm. "I'm tired and I have a busy day tomorrow."

"Please stay!" Azalea whines as she grabs my hand.

I lean forwards and whisper in her ear. "I don't think I should stay after having doing that. I'm sorry."

"I forgive you," she quickly replies. "You just have to make it cool with Alex before he leaves."

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