15- More Nightmares

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"Are you guys excited for the dance?" Jenny asks Azalea and me as we lay down on the couches in Azalea's basement in front of the flat screen TV. Is it stupid to say this is the first sleepover I have ever had at a girls' house? Yes pathetic, I know.

Well Azalea lives in a mansion, which I could've guessed by looking at her car and her clothing, but still. It is huge with a whole basement that she can just use for times like this where we do what girls do best.


"What dance?" I ask, looking like a complete idiot, but they don't care. They don't really judge me and they have taken me for who I am. It's something new that I have never experienced before; being accepted, but I like it. A lot.

Azalea stays completely normal with me and explains. "This rich kid at school, his name is Carter. Well for his birthday on Christmas Eve, which is coming up, he hosts a party every year."

"And everyone is invited," Jenny butts in because she is so excited, practically jumping up and down.

"Normally it's just a normal party, but this year..." Azalea freezes for dramatic effect. "He's doing a ball or like a dance. It's supposed to be in like this pavilion on the edge of a river."

"But it's freezing outside!" I exclaim. I'm no idiot to this harsh winter. With Alex taking me home or to his house each day, I've felt the coldness in the air.

"I asked him about that already," Azalea says leaning back against the armrest of the couch she is on. "He said there are heat lamps everywhere so it won't be an issue. Just don't go out on the frozen river and you'll be fine. He said dress like for a ball but it just won't be as proper. Just a bunch of crazy teenagers in disguise really."

"This actually sounds kinda fun," I say with a smile but it immediately drops. "And terrifying. I can't do this."

"You'll be fine," Jenny reassures me as she nudges my foot with hers since we're sharing the same couch. "We'll buy dresses and you'll be with us, Derek, Sebastian, and Alex the whole time."

Her eyes brighten when she says Alex like she has an idea. She hops off the couch and runs over to Azalea. She crouches down and whispers in her ear. They both smile like crazy and agree on whatever Jenny said.

"What?" I ask as Jenny settles back on our couch, with them both smiling like idiots with a plan up their sleeve.

"Nothing," Azalea says but I don't believe her. "We're just going to go shopping for dresses soon and we're excited."

"Ahuh." I stare at her and I know that there is more to it, but I don't bother digging into it further. "Well it is 3 am. I'm going to bed."

Even though it's a Friday night, I'm exhausted. Alex and I were trying to get our Literature project done that we have barely even started on. Then Azalea and Jenny kidnapped me for a sleepover.

I don't really check in with my dad anymore because between juggling my new job as a waitress, homework, and friends, I barely need to talk to him. I sleep there but that's just about it.

"Same," Jenny yawns. "We've all had a long day. Goodnight."




I had another nightmare again.

I somehow fell asleep without my playlist playing, but nightmares come no matter who I'm with. I wake up feeling like I barely slept because of them. I hate it. To make matters worse, I wake up screaming Alex's name every time.

He and I have gotten really close and we easily call each other best friends. Of course his "guy best friend" is Bass and my "girl best friend" is Azalea, but we still call each other best friends.

Since I have enough money from waitressing at the fancy restaurant that Azalea's dad owns I can now afford my own meals. Every night though I eat dinner with Alex, his mom, Rachel, and Austin. They're just about the happiest little family, but something is obviously bothering Mrs. Johnson but I don't dare ask.

In the morning we get ready for the day in Azalea's huge room with a large walk-in closet. They change in the bedroom but I sneak into the bathroom to change because I hate changing in front of people. When I walk out Azalea and Jenny look at me with concerned eyes.

I try to ignore them as I walk back over to my bag and but my pajamas in it. I look up and they're still staring at me.

"Are you okay, Aurora?" Jenny finally breaks the silence and walks towards me. I stand up straight and look at her. This is kind of freaking me out.

"Yeah I'm fine," I tell them, even though I'm not really sure anymore. Everything has been better since I've met Alex, but I don't know how long this will last. I hope forever.

Jenny sighs and looks at Azalea then back at me. "You sure?"

"Yeah why?"

"You can't scream in the middle of the night and say you're okay," Azalea says firmly as she stands up and walks past Jenny up to me. Her eyes harden in anger at my reply. "You just can't."

She takes my hands in hers but I quickly pull them away. "I'm fine."

"Yeah right," she laughs lightly but you can hear the anger in it. She turns around and walks across the room. She turns around and looks at me. "You screamed Alex's name. I know you did, so don't deny it."

I look at her sadly and slowly give in. "Don't tell him."

"I won't." Azalea shakes her head promising. "When did these start?"

"Um last weekish I think." I look down at the ground in embarrassment. It is quite embarrassing to wake up your friend's screaming.

"Can we help in some way?" Jenny begs me like there is some sort of cure to this.

I shake my head. "There's nothing you can do."

"Maybe we should tell Alex," Azalea shrugs as she walks around the room picking up some trash from us eating last night.

"Please don't," I beg her. "He'll think I'm weird and not want to see me anymore. I can't have that happen."

"He will never want to stop seeing you," Azalea says positively like she is so sure of herself. "We should tell him, but we won't mention that it is his name you yell. Just see if he has ideas."

"Fine," I give in. "Just don't ever let me sleep in the same house as him ever. I don't want him to hear me and freak out."

Azalea rolls her eyes. "Deal."

"I won't say anything," Jenny reassures me with a sad smile, like she knows that I still need help.

It's not exactly my fault that these nightmares come at least.

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