4- I Am Not Riding That

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This chapter somehow published itself, but it seems to be a variation of the last chapter. Either skim through it or skip because it's basically the same.

xoxo flicka602

I shut my locker at the end of the day with my bookbag on my shoulder, getting ready to walk home in the snow. I forgot about the snow and I am totally not dressed for a walk home, especially 10 blocks.

When I slam the locker door closed, I look up to see Alex leaning against the locker next to mine.

"I swear your hair would look better if it was down."

I walk away, but he continues to follow me. Like serious, he never understrands the whole 'leave me alone' thing. "What do you want?"

"I was going to give you a ride to my place since we're doing our Literature project today at my house," he informs me as we walk outside into the freezing cold.

"Just give me the address and I'll walk," I try to tell him. He quickly shakes his head at me.

"You can't walk there. It's twelve blocks away," he informs me, trying to get me to let him give me a ride.

"I walk 10 blocks home every day," I try to tell him as I shiver, the cold already getting to me. "I'll be fine."

He quickly shakes his head. "I am not letting my partner get pneumonia. I need this grade."

He takes me by the arm and drags me to the parking lot, up to his motorcycle.

"I am not riding that," I tell him as I shake my head at him, still shivering like crazy since I have a light coat on. I hate winter.

"Yes you are," Alex informs me as he slides onto the motorcycle.

I continue shaking my head. "It'll be too cold on the motorcycle."

He signs and gets off of the bike. He slips his leather jacket off and hands it to me. I reluctantly take it and put it on, the sleeves being way to long so that I can't see my hands. I don't care though because I am instantly warm.

"You need this more then I do," I tell him since he is now in a white t-shirt and jeans.

He shrugs as he hops back on the bike. "I'll be fine."

I shrug and hop onto the bike after him, not daring to wrap my arms around his waist. That's what they do in the movies, right? They would be incredibly awk-

Alex takes my arms and guides them so that they're wrapped around his torso.

"I can hear you thinking," he says to me as I get situated on the bike so I don't fall off. I can totally feel his flat stomach underneath my hands, making my hormones go insane. "Calm down and enjoy the ride."

I nod my head even though he can't see me. In fear of riding this contraption, I lean my head against his back, my whole body up against his. I shut my eyes tight as he starts the bike, and we take off down the icy streets.

He drives more carefully than he usually does, I can tell, since I'm on the bike with him. I feel a little bit of air come through my hair, and I absolutely love the feeling of it.

I peel my eyes open and lean a little bit away from Alex's back, but not removing my hands. I feel more wind rush through my hair and I love the cool crisp feeling of it.

I smile the whole ride, the most I have in a very long time. I ignore the looks the other drivers were giving us.

I laugh at how happy I am, and I'm just simply riding a motorcycle with a guy that I barely know. I can just feel Alex smiling at my laugh over this ride.

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