35- Band-Aids

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Aurora's POV

Graduation day came sooner than expected, which meant leaving one another. The ceremony was boring. I was just excited to leave this place that they called "high school". Never liked it anyway. It was always a hell hole, but hasn't been so much since Alex was there with me.

Instead of having formal nice parties, our school decided to go all out at Carter's house (same kid who had Christmas Eve party).

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Azalea asks me as she puts my hair into a messy bun on top of my head.

"I need to experience at least one party," I tell her and she agrees reluctantly.

"Just... Use protection, alright?" Azalea says with a smirk on her face.

I turn around and punch her with a blush creeping up my face. "I don't think I'll have someone like that in a long time, not after what happened."

"I'm so sorry I forgot-" Azalea starts, being so mad with herself.

"It's fine," I tell her as I look at myself in the mirror. "I don't want to talk about it anyway."

Azalea nods her head silently and goes on to help do Jenny's hair.

"I'm gonna go get dressed," I tell them quietly as I grab the dress and head into her bathroom. I quickly slip it on and get out of the bathroom.

"How can you pull everything off?" Jenny smiles at me.

"You look beautiful," Azalea smiles even wider.

It's a white lace dress that goes down mid thigh and has sleeves. It's almost more beautiful than the pink dress from Christmas Eve, but nothing can really top that dress.

"Do I need makeup?" I ask Azalea as I judge myself in the mirror. The second the sun comes out, I get tan, so I don't look too bad right now, especially with all of my bruises and scars completely healed.

Azalea looks at me and smiles. "If you stick around Alex, you won't need any."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask, kind of taken back by what she said.

"She means you blush a lot around Alex," Jenny explains with a thoughtful smile. "And he likes you without makeup."

I blush some more at this, and before I know it, it's time to go.

I slip on black heels and head out, hoping to have the time of my life, totally not expecting it to end the way it did.


I walk into the house and already feel overwhelmed. The smell of smoke and alcohol is everywhere and there are so many bodies. They're girls grinding on boys in the living room, liquor in the kitchen, and talking, smoking, and drinking in the dining room, except well there was no dining room table. You wonder where the furniture goes at parties like this...

I stand there, not being able to make my feet move. I shouldn't be here. I don't belong here.

I look beside me to see Azalea and Jenny already missing. Great...

I finally decide to at least try to find Alex or Bass or someone I know. I walk in and I'm just glad that people don't stare at me like I'm different. I somehow fit in, well at least for now. This just still isn;t my type of setting.

I can't see a thing over the crowd of people so I go to the side and stand up on a chair. I glance around quickly, hoping that no one sees the weird girl that stands on chairs.

"Hey I remember you!"

I look down to see Hunter, the boy I ditched on Christmas Eve.

"Oh I'm so so sorry for leaving you like that on Christmas," I apologize and he just waves it off.

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