part 2

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Upon arriving at Forks she felt a familiar sense, it felt like home instantly. This is odd because Bella kept track of the places she visited and Forks, Washington was not on the list. The feeling was comforting, like a warm blanket. Almost as if she lived a life here in another universe. I'm just glad I don't have to hide as much.

She wanted to know more about Carlisle. That was her ultimate goal anyway, being a nurse under the greatest doctor, building a foundation, starting a new life. No one knows me here. I can be brand new. However, I need a snack. It wasn't that she wanted this new lifestyle to be criminal free. It was the starting new part. After 100 years of living a life one way, 100 years of a different way will be refreshing. Time isn't even relevant to me, she thought. No humans. No humans. She saw a man leaving a police car. Somehow the only thing she noticed was his pulse in his neck while other people might have noticed the mustache he was supporting. No humans. No humans. This is a new life. NO HUMANS. All she heard was his heart beating. She knew that if she didn't leave this place she would kill this man. She fled with every ounce of strength she had into the woods.

In her time as a vampire, she's heard of different vampire covens that choose the "vegetarian lifestyle" for hunting. She doesn't know exactly who those covens are but she knows they exist, it's not like there's a Google search for that one.

Running through the forest she came upon a herd of deer. Jackpot!

She devoured the male of the group. The taste doesn't hit the spot of hunger as much as a human does but I'm not hungry. I see why some vampires choose this lifestyle. She almost finished the female when a noise in the distance disrupted her focus. Who is watching me?

She turned around quickly and relief quickened over her body just as fast as a new fear arose. A cougar was staring her down with envy from across the forest area. I never had a cougar before. I never had deer before today either. I am probably not in my best state to fight a cougar so I'll see myself out.

After Bella avoided a fight with the cougar she decided she needed something else to do. Starting a normal life is so hard when my life before only had one purpose. I need to find a hobby. I don't even know what a hobby is. So, she did what most 19 year-olds, who have been 19 for 100 years, do. She took out her smartphone and Googled "Most Popular Hobbies."

A lot of these would work if I were a human. Cooking? No use for that. Gardening? I mean if I take up non-edible plants I guess. Exercise? I'm a 100-year-old vampire. Advertising? I know I have limited knowledge of hobbies but what kind of hobby is that? She scoffed out loud to her thoughts on advertising. She wasn't wrong, advertising didn't seem like a plausible hobby.

Photography is actually a good place to start.

Of course, she didn't have any equipment so she would have to take a drive to Port Angeles to even go to a Walmart for a camera. She had been eavesdropping on the locals and a lot of them talk about going to Port Angeles for stuff because Forks is so small. All it took was another Google search to understand what was going on. Although it was something that sparked her interest, she would have to make that trip another day. I can't believe after all this time alive I don't have something as simple as a camera, she rolled her eyes at herself. Again this was a reasonable thought but Bella had been living on the run for her whole life as a vampire there was no reason for material things like a camera. The only things she ever needed were clothes and a warm vein to slurp on.

She planned out her trip to Port Angeles for Friday so she could get a camera and start this new life.


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