part 7

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After Bella's stint with Mike in biology yesterday, Bella knew she would have to snack before going back to school just in case she needed to prove Edward wrong again. She went out later than she normally does so when Jacob, in wolf form, was in the regular spot she was surprised. He wasn't with his usual pack either. Maybe he came back once he realized I wasn't here. Maybe things are rougher than he lets on. Mental note: find a way to visit him in human form so I can ask him what is wrong. Once he noticed me I had to let him know I knew that he did.

Bella tilted her head and whispered "Are you okay?" hoping not only that he could hear her but that he understood too. When his eyes saddened and he tilted his head, she knew the answer to her question.

Back at her house, Bella saw a car that wasn't usually parked down the street. She recognized it from the school parking lot, though she didn't know who the owner was. Once she got back to her house she could smell that it wasn't the Cullens looking to talk to her about her decisions, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

She walked to her front porch through the back of her house. As she arrived on the front door she could see through the glass panels surrounding the door that it was Mike. Doesn't this guy have anyone else to talk to?

"Mike?" Bella questioned once she opened the door. "How long have you been waiting here?" she asked.

"Maybe like 10 minutes," he answered. "I saw your car was still here so maybe you were just in the shower." What an odd boy he is.

"I went to explore the forest after I finished my homework," she said and concern struck his face.

"Alone? At night?" he asked.

"Yes, Mike. What are you doing here? Also, how did you know where I lived?"

"It's a small town, Bella. I was wondering if you could tell me what the biology homework was. I would've texted you but I don't have your phone number," he said. Why would he come all the way here just to ask this? He clearly had other motives.

"Why didn't you get the homework from your table partner or even Jessica. I'm sure you have their numbers," Bella said.

"You're right, I do. I guess this was a pathetic excuse for me to get your phone number," he admitted.

"Okay come in," Bella said.

"Is your mother home?" he asked.

"Nope, she's still at work. The move was hard for the company, so they lost their biggest asset. She has to work late sometimes because of the time difference. The East Coast offices close at 10 pm and it takes that three-hour difference to transfer documents."

"What does she do anyway?" A reasonable question I was hoping no one would ask.

"She's a lawyer for a really big company," Bella started. "The biology homework were the questions on pages 59 and 60," she finished before he could ask what company. She reached out her hand for his phone, too. He handed it to her and she typed her number in it, making her contact name "Bella✨🌚" hoping he wouldn't question the choice of emojis. While she did that he did the same naming himself "Mike from school 🤓🏈"

"Is that all you needed?" Bella asked after the exchange.

"Yeah, I think it is," he said walking toward the door.

"I'll see you in school tomorrow," Bella said, closing the door behind him.

"Yeah you too," Mike said through the door.

Bella received a text from Mike from school 🤓🏈 before she heard his car startup. "Thank you," the text read. Bella didn't respond.

The next day at school was semi-normal. As much as it can be with a whole vampire family after Bella. Edward and his family left Bella alone the whole day. There were no glares in government, no side-eyes in English, no bad eyes in biology, and no scowls in Spanish.

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