part 15

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Edward was prepared to fight off three vampires on his own. The most difficult of them being Bella. Now with human blood coursing through her system, she was much stronger. Although by the time Bella entered the clearing again Edward managed to get rid of James and his accomplice.

Bella was somewhat unstoppable, though. The desire to kill Mike became the only thought in her head and she was determined to finish him off. It didn't matter that he was once her friend, as James predicted. Although, he knew that if Bella killed Mike it would ruin her once she realized what she had done. No matter how vicious Bella would become her time in Forks changed her forever.

"Bella, listen to me," Edward said guarding Mike's body.

Bella couldn't look at him, unable to stop staring at Mike's lifeless body. Bella stood, nostrils flared, neck stiff, eyebrows pulled together, and mouth slightly pursed. She was barely listening to Edward. I need to kill him. If I kill Edward, then I can get to Mike.

Almost as if he knew what she was thinking again, Edward said "Bella" with the most anger that he has ever spoken to anyone. It worked in Edward's favor because Bella's focus was pulled from Mike.

Bella still stood in the same spot with the same expressions with her eyes looking into Edward's now. He was angry, filled with a fury Bella only slightly knew from the day they met. Anger wasn't the only thing Bella knew from looking at Edward, though. She could sense that he was afraid. It was unexpected for Edward to fear Bella.

Bella was unable to move, knowing her next move would be one of an attack on either Mike or Edward. The only thing keeping Bella in her place was the fear she saw in Edward.

Then, Alice came from the surrounding forest and carried Mike away.

"She's taking him to Carlisle before he bleeds to death," Edward explained to a statue of Bella who still couldn't decide on her next move.

Edward was the weaker vampire out of the two solely on the fact that she had human blood running through her veins. In any other aspect, he could defend himself against her. So, the next thing he did was hope that he was enough of a reason for Bella to not attack him. He takes her in his arms, bridal style, and runs with her until he reaches his destination.

This destination didn't have anyone or anything around. It was unknowable. The only things Bella knew about it was that it was a long run, no one was around, and it was colder. Bella was inside her thoughts the whole way. She knew she wanted Mike's blood but he was long gone now. Since Edward took that away from her she wanted to retaliate but she knew deep down that she couldn't.

Everything inside her was tearing her apart at the seams. She wanted to kill Edward for not letting her get to Mike but the other half of her wouldn't let her attack. That half knew feelings bubbled inside Bella, which awoke her to new experiences. She hated that she couldn't ignore everything ripping her apart. There wasn't a switch that she could just turn off her emotions and shut out every emotion she felt toward Edward. She never forgot how he made her feel even while James was turning over her life. He was the symbol of her different life. Recognizing him made her remember all she had in Forks. Forks. A place she could never return to with people who will just be a memory now.


Bella woke up, unaware of how much time had passed and unaware she passed out. She only remembers being in Edward's arms and thinking about her life in Forks. Something must've knocked me unconscious.

As her vision cleared she took in her surroundings. In the one-room cabin, she sat on an all too familiar couch and noticed that the place was probably made for a human rather than a semiconscious vampire. The bed was made, the kitchen had pots and pans, the fridge had food, and there was a television.

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