part 14

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They had been hiding out in Bella's house for a day now. No one mentioned what James' plan was. Bella was weary to ask James his plan for fear of what he and all of his followers could do.

"It's time to hunt," James said to Bella. This was the first time he spoke directly to her since he did in the forest the previous day.

Of course, the Cullens had come to try to rescue Bella but they were severely outnumbered. After Bella was captured throngs of vampires followed James to Bella's house. By the end of the day, at least 15 vampires were swarming her house.

"Please James, let's go somewhere else to do this," Bella pleaded, knowing he wouldn't be fond of her diet.

Filled with determination to figure out who Bella was protecting, he ran up to her fangs at the ready. "Bella, my dear, it is not natural for you to protect these humans. It is better off if they didn't exist," James said.

Bella knew they were on their way to hunt humans. It was tough for Bella to not want to kill one of the three fishermen at the dock they stopped at. There had been so much pent up anger coursing through Bella that made it easier to want them dead.

The smell of blood from one of the men was rushing through her whole body. It has been so long since I've enjoyed a human. She couldn't tell if the "Kill them" she heard came from her thoughts or James, but she didn't hesitate.

Not five minutes later, both of the remaining fishermen were dead and the vampires who tagged along with James and Bella were angry they didn't have a bite.

Bella has made a decision that has made her uncontrollable again.


Bella ended up going back to school the next day. She figured that if the Cullens suspected her, they knew school was the last place she would try something.

The problem, now, was that Bella couldn't go a whole class period without wanting to kill someone. By the end of the day she had killed six more people.

Alice's vision has come to fruition. All that worrying Bella did about the vision meant nothing now. The only thought she could care to have lately was where her next person was coming from.

She stopped hanging around her usual group of friends because the minuscule part of her that could care about them was so small she didn't want to risk it.

Bella knew she couldn't come back to school or she would end up killing everyone there. James still didn't want to change locations and he wasn't doing much besides encouraging Bella to kill people. "You don't have to ask me twice," Bella would say.

The next day came and Bella's body count raised six more. By the end of the week, Bella had killed over 40 people and people were wondering what was going on.

The Cullens left as soon as they knew Bella started killing people again for fear they would be suspected. Jacob and his pack were doing everything to rid the town of vampires, but it seemed as the days went on James brought more vampires into the town. Slowly, the town of Forks was nothing like it had once been. The population is decreasing in humans and increasing in vampires, and by that measure werewolves, too.

It had been three weeks since James and his followers came into town and the death count has racked up to over 200 people. The police department in Forks has never worked so hard in its existence to figure out who is doing all of the killings. No one suspects Bella as the main suspect with her share of 115 of those bodies.

Bella doesn't need direction from James on who to hunt anymore. It was, as the humans say, like riding a bike. I only needed one more go at it and it was like I never stopped in the first place. I can't remember why I stopped in the first place. As Bella thought this, it was like the universe was showing her the reasons right in front of her. Jacob and Mike were far in the distance ahead of her but in the direction, she was headed.

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