part 3

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When she was back in Forks, it was time to register for classes. She was physically 19 years old so she could pass for a 17-year-old but what she couldn't lie about was why she would be registering alone. I'm starting to think that going back to high school was a terrible idea. I realize it is a good place to establish myself but it seems like this is going to be a lot of work. So she dialed the number and did a fantastic impression of someone who could be her mother.

"Hello, Forks High School, this is Debby Gene speaking. How may I help you?" The woman, Debby, on the other end of the phone call was very comforting, I see why they put her in the office of a high school.

"Hello I would like to register my daughter for school, we just moved here and I want her to attend school in the fall," Bella said in a nasally and higher-pitched voice that put all other mother impressions to shame.

"I just need your address so we can confirm that you are in the school district," Debby said.

"It's 7765 La Push Road," Bella said in her impression.

"That's just before the school district ends you got lucky there. We can meet you and your daughter next week for a walkthrough of her classes and final signing of some paperwork if that works for you both. Now since classes have already started she will have some work to catch up on but not too much. Does next week work for you?"

"Now Debby, we moved here for my work and that has me busy at all times of the day so I really can't get into seeing you but I do have a very responsible daughter and she can bring me all of the paperwork, I just won't be able to be there. Next week is perfect for her," somehow this impression Bella is using got a little southern in the middle of the sentence, hopefully, Debby didn't notice.

"I don't see a problem with that, Missus.....," Debby trailed waiting for Bella's answer.

"Oh, it's just Miss. Miss Swan. And my daughter is Isabella Swan, Bella for short," Bella said.

"Great, I'll be seeing Bella on Monday then."

"Perfect, I will tell her about it," Bella said and she could not wait to hang up the phone and stop using this impression that has somehow turned into an accent.

"Have a great day," Debby said.

"Thanks, you too, goodbye," Bella said and hung up the phone.

Now I have to shop for school supplies. UGH! At least I can pick up some things tomorrow in Port Angeles. It is funny to me how my priorities have changed over just a couple of weeks. I used to look for a pulse now I look for pencils.

Today, Bella decided to check out the town more, since she has been living here for almost a month now. She arrived back in Forks around 10 am and immediately called the school once she got home. That took about a half-hour so she decided to play normal and go to the diner she saw on her way back.

She drove the human seed all the way so people wouldn't suspect anything. Once she got there she sat down by a window and ordered French Toast because the menu claims "The best French Toast outside of France!"

Once it was delivered to Bella on a ceramic plate with blue trimming and designs on it she knew it was not going to taste like "The best French Toast outside of France!" but she had to commit to the role.

She cut off one corner piece and added a couple of fruits that came on the side and took a deep breath, because she knew this would be difficult, and put it in her mouth. She chewed and it was disgusting. The last time she ate human food as a vampire was well over 50 years ago. Food has definitely changed since then but it still tastes like dirt. This French Toast concoction does taste like sweet dirt though, she remembers how French Toast and various fruit jams tasted and the memory served well while eating this but not well enough. The sweetness she tastes is from her memory she can almost guarantee it.

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