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Grace sat on the sofa, she looked as warren walked in and smiled. It had been hard with them both since he had smashed up dolcies nursery

"where have you been?" Grace asked as warren looked to her and smiled

"we needed milk, I'm sorry" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"it's not like she needs the nursery. She's dead" grace said as a tear rolled down her face as warren walked over to where she was and smiled as he sat next to her

"I know and I'm sorry, I know that we need to plan her funeral and I know I haven't been there for you" warren said as she looked to him with tears in her eyes. She held one of dolcies teddy to her and smiled as she looked to warren with tears in her eyes

"is it my fault. I checked on her and she was snoring, she was fine and then she wasn't. I don't understand, did I do something wrong" grace asked as he took a hold of her hand and smiled as he looked to her and smiled

"it's not your fault babe and I can't tell you why it happened to us but it did but I promise you that we will get through it together" warren said as he kissed the top of her hand and smiled

Grace sighed as she heard a knock at the door. She stood up and smiled as she saw Sandy

"I thought you were going to do funeral arrangements with Warren" Sandy asked

"warren is I can't face it, I know that she is my little girl and I owe her but I just can't take over burying my baby. My sweet, beautiful baby who I won't see grow up" grace said as Sandy sat next to her and smiled as she took a hold of her hand and smiled

"I know it's hard but she's your little girl and this is the hardest thing you will have to plan and do but you have Warren and this is your goodbye to dolcie and you will want to be there, you will want to be involved with warren and do this. You will want to make it personal" Sandy said as grace looked to her and smiled.

Grace knew that Sandy was right and that she needed to be there so that she could help grieve for her loss for dolcie and so that she could try and move on from the feeling off lost that she had.

Grace knew it was hard and it was going to be the hardest thing that she had to do but she knew that she and warren needed to be there for each other

Grace smiled as warren walked into the flat and looked to him and smiled

"I'm sorry I wasn't there. It's just hard I guess" she said as he walked over to her and smiled "

it's okay" he said as she grabbed dolcie teddy and smiled

"I thought we had bury this with her it was her favourite and it is going to be hard and I want to try and be strong and say goodbye with you" grace said as she took a hold of his hand, warren looked to her and smiled

"it's not going to be easy but we will get through this together" warren said as grace smiled

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