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Grace sat frozen. She was numb. Dolcie was gone and there was nothing that she could do to bring her back. Grace sat on the sofa as she clung the teddy close to her chest.

She and warren had hardly talked since dolcie had passed away. Grace looked as the flat door closed as warren walked in. He was covered in blood. She looked to him and frowned.

She knew that loosing dolcie had pushed him back into a life of crime and she hated it. She hated that he was going down a path that would result in her loosing him. She stood up and sighed as she walked over to him

"we need to plan the funeral" she said as he looked to her and nodded

"I know, I know it's a mess but it's going to be okay I am here and we will get through it together" warren said as she looked to him with tears in her eyes

"I know, I know she is gone and it hurts and we will get through this together. I don't want what happened to her, ruin us. It will break me" grace said as warren smiled

"we will be okay, I know that we will" warren said as he kissed the top of her head and smiled

Grace walked out of the bathroom and sighed as she saw cash sitting on the side, she was worried over what it was for. She heard a knock at the door and sighed as she looked to the door and cursed to herself as she walked into the bedroom and hide the cash as she walked to the door and smiled as she walked to the door and answered it as she saw Sandy and smiled

"how are you doing love?" Sandy asked as grace smiled

"I'm empty mum, warren and I are trying to remain strong and arrange the funeral but it is hard. She was three months old. How am I meant to bury my baby. I can't birth my baby. It's not fair, I should be watching her grow up and not burying her. I hate this" grace said as she sat on the sofa as Sandy sat next to her and smiled as she pulled her into a hug and smiled

"I know, it's hard but you are strong. You and warren are strong and you can make it work" Sandy said as grace looked to her and smiled.

Grace knew how Sandy was trying to be there for her but she knew that she needed to be strong and that warren was the one that she really needed

Grace sighed to herself as she walked into the flat. She frowned to herself as she heard the sound of smashing. She walked towards dolcie nursery and frowned as she saw warren had wrecked it

"what the hell have you done" she asked as he sat on the floor sobbing

"she's gone" he said as she walked over to him and pulled him close and hugged him.

Grace knew it was going to be hard but knew they needed to stick together to get past the loss of their daughter

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