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Grace knew how she was worried about having a baby. She was scared that the same thing would happen again. That she would lose this baby like she did Dolcie.

It was hard and she was ever so scared. She knew she had all but become Belle's mum. And she was going to talk to Warren about adopting her. She wanted to be a proper family.

Things weren't always going to be easy. But she and Warren had overcome so much together. She knew she needed things to work out.

She knew that she had been having anxiety about being pregnant. Just fearful that things would go wrong.

Losing Dolcie had all but broke her. And she wasn't sure how much longer she could have  had a handle on it all.

Warren was her rock. But there was a time when she thought that they wouldn't survive. That their relationship would make it through. They had though.

Grace knew Warren was made to be a father. He had never had a family. So it was clear that he wanted to be a good dad to Belle and their baby.

All Grace knew was that her life was slowly coming back together. And she was happy. She just hoped it would last.

Morning came and Grace heard Warren in the kitchen. She climbed out of bed and left the bedroom.

Warren was making pancakes. Belle was sat on the sofa looking completely broken. She frowned. "Belle? Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine," Belle mumbled.

She was crying and Grace could tell. She walked over to Warren. "What's going on? Why does she look like she wants to break down," she said.

Warren shrugged. "Don't know. I woke this morning and she was sitting on the sofa crying. Offered to make pancakes. And she hasn't talked much," he told her.

Grace nodded. Knowing she needed to somehow get Belle to open up. Warren smiled. "You need to book in for a scan soon babe. So we can check on the baby. Maybe Belle could come too?" He said.

"Sure. I'll do that today," Grace said. She turned to Belle. "How about I drop you at school?"


Grace walked into her mum's. Sandy smiled. "How you doing love?" She asked.

"I'm okay. Worried about Belle. She looks so close to having a breakdown. And I don't know what's going on with her," she said.

Sandy was about to speak when Jason walked in. "What has Belle said?"

"Nothing. Why? Didn't think you cared about her," Grace said.

Jason said nothing as he walked off. Grace was confused. But put it down to her brother just being nosy.

Grace turned to her mum. "So Warren and I are booking in for a scan. To check on the baby. I'm so excited. But I'm scared too. Like what if the same thing happens?" She asked.

Sandy smiled and shook her head. "It's going to be okay. I'll be meeting my third grand baby soon."


Sandy nodded. "I have Dolcie, Belle and the baby you're carrying now," she told her.

Grace smiled. She knew how she was scared. But yet she was hopeful too.

Grace went back to the flat. She saw Warren and kissed him "where's Belle?"

"In her room. Tried talking to her. She won't open up. I don't know what's going on," Warren said.

Grace smiled and kissed him. "You're an amazing dad. You know that?"

Warren held her close and kissed her. Neither aware of how things were about to come to blows as a huge secret came out which would leave them both torn.

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