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Grace sat in the flat and smiled as she looked to see warren as he walked in.

The two of them hadn't spoken over warren and his breakdown but she knew that he was struggling and she hadn't knowing that he wasn't struggling, all that she knew was that she wanted to be there for him

Grace knew that they were going through this together and she knew that she wanted to be there for him as they had gone through it together and they had lost dolcie but she knew that they were strong and she didn't want it to tear them apart.

Grace stood up and smiled as she walked over to him and kissed him

"are you okay" she asked as he looked to her and smiled

"I'm okay. I know you hate me for trashing the nursery" he said as she smiled

"it's not as if she is going to need it, you put it together after all, I don't hate you. You are grieving and so am I. Just don't lash out I just want you to talk to me as you mean the world to me warren and I know it's hard" she said as he looked to her and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

"and you mean everything to me. I know that the funeral is next week but we will get through it" he said as she looked to him and smiled hoping he was right    

Grace answered the door to the flat and smiled as she saw Sandy. Sandy walked in and smiled

"I made you some food, I know that you have been through a lot and are probably not in the mood to cook yet and you look as if you are fading away darling" Sandy said as grace smiled.

Grace knew how Sandy blamed herself for dolcie and her death as she was there but she knew it wasn't her fault

"I know that you are doing mum. I know you are blaming yourself but it wasn't your fault, it happened and there isn't a minute I don't think about her but I can't bring her back and I don't want you to blame yourself and as for your cooking. I think that will kill me off" grace said as Sandy looked to her and chuckled

"you are probably right there. I just want you to be okay as loosing a child. I couldn't imagine it and knowing my own child is going through that and I can't take away the pain. It sucks" Sandy said as grace looked to her and smiled

"yeah it does but it will be okay" grace said. Grace knew it was hard but she was trying to find a way to move on with her life

Grace sat in bed with warren. They sat watching tv as he looked to her and smiled

"you know that we are going to get through this I mean I know it's hard but we will be okay" warren said as she looked to him and smiled

"I know we just have to not let this come between us, promise me that" grace said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"I promise" warren said as grace smiled but were grace and warren strong enough to get over the loss of a child?

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